(09-12-2011, 21:40)yottabyte Wrote: All we need is to put a view from Android's webcam on the main kiwike site 24/7. Let's make his life like the Truman Show.
I would totally come, but like most people here, I'm a thirteen year old that lives in Georgia. My parents would never let me drive to Canada to hang out with some people with pumpkin heads from an online game.
many of us georgians on the server actually know each other irl, I know guthrie, thornax, lostboy, manofar, seandragon123, galkx (who just kinda left the server after 2 days :/), elizahuman... sort of, and other peoples who are too lazy to just sign up on the forums, so we could probably organize some weird event where we all chill together.