New guild
As the good people of Kiwike were enjoying their drinks and having a good time in the tavern a young man carrying many fliers walked in. He then put up one of the many fliers he had made.
As he walked out a few people became curious and walked over to see what the flier said.
"Mercenary guild now open for business"
The flier contained many details about a new guild.
"I have decided to open up a new guild, thanks to the title this is obviously a mercenary guild. The way this guild works is you give us some info on what you would like done, you tell us how much you will pay (if we find it too low then we will raise the price a little), (you pay first) then the job is completed. If we do not complete the job you will be given a complete refund."
"And to those of you who would like to join, I put up a list of contracts, you pick one, you complete the contract (I get 10% if its 10 Gold or above), if you do not complete the contract or bail on it(like if you were trying to escort someone or you were supposed to help fight somewhere and deserted) the you will only get 50% of your next contract.
"I hope some of you are interested in joining the guild or hiring one of our mercenaries... also we will not work for the grand"
~ squiggley1
If you would like to join please PM me and I will happily reply.
If you have a contract also PM me and I will see what I can do.
current members: Me, geckosquid, Maindigger, guthriearmstrong, the1doctor, thornax, manofar, sethd13, doggypwn. jesus shit we need more people