(07-04-2011, 17:10)Android Wrote: Can somebody tell me, is there a noticable difference?
Definitely. 8 players online right now but still, no arrow lag, I can finally hit monsters like in SSP. Inventories open instantly, blocks are picked up instantly. et cetera.
Will be interesting to see how it handles more people. I know servers running on the same host, same hardware, that've had over 50 players without lag.
(07-04-2011, 17:10)Android Wrote: Can somebody tell me, is there a noticable difference?
Yes.. For the worse.. Atleast it seems that way for me and a couple other US players. I get a delay in chat, chunks dont load as fast as before (when im on train im floating most of the way watching the chunks load behind me), and theres a delay for chests, workbenchs, ext. Idk how it would be in australia, Im sure it will get better for us though.