Hello There, Guest!
12-24-2010, 17:45,
Post: #1
I noticed the map on the website and was wondering if it would load more on the edges if anybody at all were t explore out yonder.
12-24-2010, 19:52,
Post: #2
Re: Map
Yup, the map is what has been rendered on the server. The more you explore, the more is being rendered. We should probably put a limit though, since it could bring some problems with the hdd.

12-24-2010, 20:20,
Post: #3
Re: Map
Depending on the size of your HDD.
I totally forgot about that I always thought it was a set size.

12-25-2010, 01:46,
Post: #4
Re: Map
Wonderful to know. let me know the limit because I plan to settle far out.
12-25-2010, 20:15,
Post: #5
Re: Map
There's no limit right now, but use common sense. The map can be at least 4x the size it is now. Big maps are fun though.

12-25-2010, 21:38,
Post: #6
Re: Map
Mmk, sounds reasonable. I just to spend my time exploring and making my city.
12-26-2010, 04:59,
Post: #7
Re: Map
Yotta we need to space cities/townes out... Make sure they cannot be built within a certain range of another town. (MAKE IT SPREAD OUT)

once there is alot more activity and towns/cities we can start plopping towns in the middle of them.

This makes it more realistic... On the current map there is about 5 towns right next to kiwi within a 300 block circle.
12-26-2010, 05:18,
Post: #8
Re: Map
I have to admit that when looking at the map it does seem odd how all the towns are squished so close together.

Ameenalae'ka Town seems to be the only one that distanced itself the most from the rest of the Towns.

Some structures on the map don't have any info on them, is it possible to have another marker style that labels non-town zones? Not sure how well that would work though as the person labeling the map would have to find out what the structures are suppose to be and it may make the map look too messy.
12-26-2010, 07:38,
Post: #9
Re: Map
Venturing too far away from everything else is a viable option for premiums and vips as we get to teleport and travel further with delicate ease. Not to mention, after having a city built, it's a pain to have it relocated or going through all that time to remake it. But yeah, a little more diversity as far as travel and cities are concerned will be great. And right now, we're going with the colonization method of expansive, rather than having more exploration.
12-26-2010, 10:00,
Post: #10
Re: Map
I definitely support the idea of having a set (huge) limit on how far cities have to be built from each other. The idea of making an adventure to travel to another city would be fun. Would also make connecting the cities via roads that much more of an amazing feat. Not to mention connecting them by rail. But wait, I just mentioned it. Oh well.

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