Hello There, Guest!
APPLY NOW FOR "The Diamond at [Your town here]!"
08-16-2011, 21:24, (This post was last modified: 08-16-2011, 21:25 by pavja2.)
Post: #1
APPLY NOW FOR "The Diamond at [Your town here]!"
Mayors of Kiwike! I am interested in finding a location for the first of what will hopefully be many Kiwikean Casinos. I can promise that whichever town I ultimately chose will profit immensely from increased commerce, residence and even jobs that The Diamond will bring. The Diamond will host a number of original (you won't find these on youtube) redstone games of luck and skill that I have designed as well as other classic minecraft games of chance. For me to construct the casino however a few provisions will have to be made.

Requirements to host The Diamond:
1) I will need to become a build-righted and VIP protected member of your town

While I am normally opposed to VIP protection I think that it is necessary for the construction of a Casino so as to prevent redstone-tampering by money-craving residents of the town who would try to weigh the odds in their favor or attempt to examine the inner-workings of my contraptions / damaging my labor (some of these get pretty complex since minecraft redstone has trouble generating random numbers without some very tricky circuitry).
As a resident of your town I would of course provide Knights of Dusk protection and never steal from or facilitate the stealing from your residents. I would of course expect the same degree of respect from them. Ask anyone who has been my neighbor in the past if I have violated their trust, other than perhaps a few residents of Cencus back when I was first starting the Knights they will reply that I have not.

2) I will need a very large plot.

Redstone takes a lot of space and my Casino will try to cover it all up and protect it. As a result my plot will need to be at least 32*32. Larger plot availability will make me more inclined towards selecting a particular town.

3) I will need confidence in the town I select.

If I fear that the town will collapse or does not have enough residents to sustain business I will not select that town. Sorry.

Additional things can help a town become the host. Strong transportation infrastructure (subways/airports/nether-rails/roads) are preferred, generally flat terrain conducive to the construction of large structures, readily available building materials (either for free or for purchase from residents), fortifications in case the long kiwikean peace comes to an end and war returns, etc.

Why towns would want The Diamond:

1) I would pay for the plots I buy [more on that below].

Towns in need of a quick influx of cash should consider just selling me the land and undercutting other towns.

2) I would bring commerce.

The Diamond will have a level for shops/restaurants. The goal will be to provide prices so low that any money earned at the casino would be immediately spent on products in the town maintaining a strong and stable source of income for all residents of the town. Residents would be able to rent stalls for vending at low prices.

3) I would provide jobs.

I would probably end up hiring a few people to help construct the Casino, help run machines or even consider taking on a partner to help manage the Casino when I am offline or when we have to many customers for me to attend to on my own. Construction will provide immediate monetary opportunity to residents, longer term employment will provide economic stability.

4) I would purchase materials, lots of them.

Does your town have an excess of smooth-stone, wool, glass, wood, logs, lapis, glowstone and other nice building materials? The Diamond will be massive and as a result will require more supplies to construct than I currently possess. If your town has local shopkeepers who need to make some gold I will certainly consider buying from them at reasonable prices.

5) The Casino itself will bring new residents and visitors.

While my personal contributions in the construction and design of The Diamond will certainly make your town money in the short term, in the long term The Diamond will bring customers laden with gold and money to spend. These customers will be looking for opportunities to spend their winnings wherever and whenever they can, if your town is nearest you will be sure to profit. People will visit your town and may decide they like it enough to live there. The Diamond will be that critical injection of commerce and growth that your town has been waiting for.

How do I apply to get my town considered?

I will be running a public auction. Please fill out the following form and post it below. The best offer at 6:00PM Eastern Time tonight (3 hours from now) will be accepted. You may resubmit your offer as many times as you like. I will use the following formula to calculate the value of an offer.


If a town is willing to pay me to chose their town (instead of charging me for plots) the formula I will use is instead:


The largest number will be considered the best offer and will be accepted. I am being precise so that I can limit the effect of my bias towards a particular town and make the game fair for all towns.
For example a town charging me 150G for a 32*32 plot of land, with one subway, two major roads and a population of 8, which I would give a 7 on a scale of 1-10 (personal opinion) would have the following score:

Applications should take the following format:
Quote:Total Costs of Plots:
Population of Town:
Combined Size of Plots:
Number of Subways:
Number of Major Roads:
Value score for your town based on the above info (assume the desirability factor is 5):

Any other reasons why your town is awesome and should be selected:

Including a picture of your town would be sweet and probably help boost the town desirability score a bit for your town but is not required.

Thanks, and good luck to all people bidding. I will be checking this post shortly to chose a winner!

P.S. Just in case anyone was wondering I have decided to allocate a 1000G construction budget for The Diamond. If the Casino is successful I may consider opening another elsewhere in the future.

08-16-2011, 21:35, (This post was last modified: 08-16-2011, 21:45 by RobertF.)
Post: #2
RE: APPLY NOW FOR "The Diamond at [Your town here]!"
Total Costs of Plots: 20 gold (mainly for expansion, none for profit)
Population of Town: 9 people
Combined Size of Plots: 32 x 32 (expandable by 10 gold per 16 x 16)
Number of Subways: 1 (Nearby NetherRail to Bludwick)
Number of Major Roads: 1
Value score for your town based on the above info (assume the desirability factor is 5): 1000

Any other reasons why your town is awesome and should be selected: We have a huge, underground airship hangar, huge mansion under construction, rapidly expanding population and size, easy nether access, peaceful status, inexpensive plots, lots of potential space, inexpensive materials, prices are negotiable, friendly hand-picked loyal citizens.

See you Soon!

Enjoy New_Grand.
08-16-2011, 21:37, (This post was last modified: 08-16-2011, 21:38 by Kyga.)
Post: #3
RE: APPLY NOW FOR "The Diamond at [Your town here]!"
Giving Pavja building rights in your town= Bad bad idea

[Image: mca.png] [Image: Happy2.gif?dateline=1312642685]
08-16-2011, 21:38, (This post was last modified: 08-16-2011, 21:45 by pavja2.)
Post: #4
RE: APPLY NOW FOR "The Diamond at [Your town here]!"
Please post replies in the thread as opposed to via PM so that everyone can make competitive bids, I'm reposting this one from DJFuzz:

Quote:Total Costs of Plots: Free 20 ( Coz your Awsome Happy)
Population of Town: 3 (But Wait We have like 4 People who we are waiting to join
Combined Size of Plots: 32*32
Number of Subways: 0 :L
Number of Major Roads: 0 :L
Value score for your town based on the above info (assume the desirability factor is 5): I dont get it

Any other reasons why your town is awesome and should be selected: Your Casino Does not have to Be on the town We can simply make a out post for you in a chosen location for your maximum Profit But be in out name and your own Vip plots, Im sorry that this is a Sucky Town that is why you will most probably Decline my other but it is here if needed.


Here are the calculations for his towns score value:
(1/1)*(3)*(1024/64)*(1)*(1)*(4/2) =
(08-16-2011, 21:35)RobertF Wrote: Total Costs of Plots: 20 gold (mainly for expansion, none for profit)
Population of Town: 9 people
Combined Size of Plots: 32 x 32 (expandable by 10 gold per 16 x 16)
Number of Subways: 1 (Nearby NetherRail to Bludwick)
Number of Major Roads: 1
Value score for your town based on the above info (assume the desirability factor is 5): 1000

Any other reasons why your town is awesome and should be selected: We have a huge, underground airship hangar, huge mansion under construction, rapidly expanding population and size, easy nether access, peaceful status, inexpensive plots, lots of potential space, inexpensive materials, prices are negotiable, friendly hand-picked loyal citizens.

See you Soon!

[Image: 20110816153650.png]
This is how I value-scored it...
08-16-2011, 21:51,
Post: #5
RE: APPLY NOW FOR "The Diamond at [Your town here]!"
Total Costs of Plots: 0 for VIP
Population of Town: 20
Combined Size of Plots: 32x32, More if needed (They are in a section where there is nothing built yet, not even roads so there is plenty of room, max being 64x32)
Number of Subways: 1 (Quick nether connected to Azure and Bludwick)
Number of Major Roads: 0 (Gonna try to connect it to the walkway going north soon)
Value score for your town based on the above info (assume the desirability factor is 5): Dont wana do this math. <3 So ima just say... 1,000,000

Any other reasons why your town is awesome and should be selected: Its the capital of the most awesome nation ever, Tullius, and we have lots of awesomeness here. Not to mention Kiwike games being here, soon a giant rave island where I will have get togethers for the server, and all kinds of other cool stuff!

08-16-2011, 21:55,
Post: #6
RE: APPLY NOW FOR "The Diamond at [Your town here]!"
Edit: Pavja, free plots, and a free stack per building material you need as an incentive

Enjoy New_Grand.
08-16-2011, 22:00, (This post was last modified: 08-16-2011, 22:02 by pavja2.)
Post: #7
RE: APPLY NOW FOR "The Diamond at [Your town here]!"
(08-16-2011, 21:51)asdfasdflkjty911 Wrote: Total Costs of Plots: 0 for VIP
Population of Town: 20
Combined Size of Plots: 32x32, More if needed (They are in a section where there is nothing built yet, not even roads so there is plenty of room, max being 64x32)
Number of Subways: 1 (Quick nether connected to Azure and Bludwick)
Number of Major Roads: 0 (Gonna try to connect it to the walkway going north soon)
Value score for your town based on the above info (assume the desirability factor is 5): Dont wana do this math. <3 So ima just say... 1,000,000

Any other reasons why your town is awesome and should be selected: Its the capital of the most awesome nation ever, Tullius, and we have lots of awesomeness here. Not to mention Kiwike games being here, soon a giant rave island where I will have get togethers for the server, and all kinds of other cool stuff!

Value score for asdf: (20)*(1024/64)*(2)*(1)*(8/2)= 2560
08-16-2011, 22:00, (This post was last modified: 08-16-2011, 22:15 by asdfasdflkjty911.)
Post: #8
RE: APPLY NOW FOR "The Diamond at [Your town here]!"
Also, how did you get everything so lit up so well? My pics turned out badly :/

Is this a mod or something?

08-16-2011, 22:04, (This post was last modified: 08-16-2011, 22:05 by pavja2.)
Post: #9
RE: APPLY NOW FOR "The Diamond at [Your town here]!"
(08-16-2011, 21:55)RobertF Wrote: Edit: Pavja, free plots, and a free stack per building material you need as an incentive

Adjusted value score:

08-16-2011, 22:07, (This post was last modified: 08-16-2011, 22:14 by asdfasdflkjty911.)
Post: #10
RE: APPLY NOW FOR "The Diamond at [Your town here]!"
Also, pavja, you have 1000k gold to spend on this? Thats far more than enough to buy enough supplies for even 5 casinos.
Would you want to really sacrafice all the attractions in Tullius (games, server get togethers, future RP involvment) as well as the amount of land and citizens it has now? Also, it is the center of a nation, a nation with great potential. We have 20 people in the one city, which is alone I think the second most populated town.

(Just more for you to think about :3)


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