Actinidia - the family of Kiwi plugins
A new plugin, unique for Kiwike. What it does?
Homes - MERGED
They are basically the same as with the old home plugin.
Seed on grass - MERGED
Right click grass with seeds, get pumpkins and flowers. Kind of outdated with the new bonemeal on grass though.
Leaf drops - MERGED
Leaves drop apples, chocolate beans and sticks in various biomes.
Leather boots are more rare now
Country on join - MERGED
Tells you what country the player resides in on join.
Forum account verification - MERGED
/forum <forum username> lets you confirm your minecraft name and get the fancy icon on the forum.
Death messages - NEW
Awesome death messages using Spout. Only works for people using
Weather averting - NEW
Every other time the server tries to start a storm, we stop it. Notch might like rain. We don't like it too much.
All new admin mode - NEW
Improves the experience for moderators. It's like a personal moderating help! Or something.