Hello There, Guest!
Gone for a bit...
09-09-2011, 02:57,
Post: #1
Gone for a bit...
Well, I'm leaving for a bit for a couple of reasons. I might be back later on in the year. But for now; I'm off.

1.) School. I have AP Calc, AP English, Band (takes lots of time if you take solo and ensemble, marching in parades/football games, and band festivals into account), and Physics this year, and I need to focus.
2.) Job. Once I get one, I'd have about 2 hours a day to myself at the end of the day. That cuts free time down a lot.
3.) Family. Quite frankly, Kiwike sometimes takes 8 hours away from me and my family; I don't want that to happen any longer, so I'm dissolving this issue.
4.) Friends. My friends are currently going through some hard times, and sometimes Kiwike can be a bit of a distraction.
5.) Girls. I'm not exactly a hunk, but I do have my love life to take care of.

I could be back on the weekends randomly, and I might come back during Christmas/Easter break.

Till then: Happy roleplaying!

"One can concentrate so closely on the words of a sentence that one thereby misses the meaning. As can happen in any area of life. You must never lose focus on the larger landscape."
09-09-2011, 02:59,
Post: #2
RE: Gone for a bit...
Cya Cerce. It'll be nice when you Come back. Your roleplaying always Enlightens the server.
Work everything out, but don't forget about us alright? Cya Man...
09-09-2011, 02:59,
Post: #3
RE: Gone for a bit...
Sorry to see you go, but those are all completely legitimate reasons. Hope you come back soon!

09-09-2011, 03:06,
Post: #4
RE: Gone for a bit...
I forgot to say that aswell, These are good reason to do what you are doing.
I myself would be in your position, but I shot down a school and decided against AP World History. Grandma in Surgery on and off for the past few weeks, and I'm not good with Girls, something I should probably fix.
I feel where you are coming from Cerce.
Hopefully by the time you come back, Things will have became a bit more interesting among the Kiwike server, making your arrival all the better.
For the second time, Cya Cerce, Happy Schooling.
09-09-2011, 03:13,
Post: #5
RE: Gone for a bit...
Is it bad that it depresses me for not having to worry about number 5? sad thing is my cousin is like the biggest stud in the school(then again he's also a senior). i do have to worry about number one with football and all.

[Image: eJw9ijEKQjEQBfuc4l1AwUjSK4iNYKFgvZpVA8kG...MDAC7V.png]
09-09-2011, 03:31,
Post: #6
RE: Gone for a bit...

[Image: kLeN8.png]
09-09-2011, 10:20,
Post: #7
RE: Gone for a bit...
Have fun! And make sure to check back once in a while.
Dont forget about us!
09-09-2011, 17:04,
Post: #8
RE: Gone for a bit...
TLGrinR: Cerce "leaves" for the second time.

Jokes aside, I'll see you later.


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