May seem Modest but these small halls of carved stone hold more than a few tricks and surprises for a home owner to quickly use to escape from harms way. [Secrets of theStone Halls are not revealed until appointments are set up.]
First it is set into a mountain side, hidden away from the public eye by the natural cliff face. Water access only.
Heads down from the surface into the stone hall. Notice a ladder on the left hand side for quick access to the battlements above the door. [Lava placement for easy lockdown]
This is the main hall. Chairs and table seat seven including one at the head of the table. The eternal flames are a hidden dwarf secret. But should you accidentily catch fire, the table top can be cracked open with a mighty hammer blow to reveal a cooling pool of water.
And the most stunning piece of work, The underwater Library. Yes folks that is the entrance pool up there. Some minor glass repair needed on the roof.
Tours and price haggling will be available to those who apply. Price range negotiable.
It is very important to note this may not be as epic as the Castle surrounded by lava waterfalls with a three layer thick obsidian bedrock. But it is still... quite apealing. :3