RE: Kiwike: Revamped
Allright, then, I suppose it's goodbye.
Was a fun run, guys. But my work here is done. Let me copy some stuff off real quick, port it somewhere else, and feel free to do what you wish. But you've got to have gone insane if you just flushed 8 months of hard work down the drain because a few trolls felt left out of the roleplay, or because some people went on vacation and missed certain aspects of roleplays. If Android won't let me advance Cerce any further here in his storyline; I suppose I'll have to take a detour somewhere else.
Enjoy your new age of roleplaying. I'd love to see another Kubrick come allong and help spur you guys... but quite frankly, I'd be damned if another self-respecting roleplayer sets a proverbial foot within, knowing that anything he does can be trashed when certain members of the community no longer find his contributions entertaining.
Good day.
"One can concentrate so closely on the words of a sentence that one thereby misses the meaning. As can happen in any area of life. You must never lose focus on the larger landscape."