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Kiwike: Revamped
11-28-2011, 06:49,
Post: #171
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
The lore may not be remembered, but I plan on sending Kiwike 2.0 off with a bang. Official or not, I will write a story about the end of Kiwike as we know it as a transition to Revamped. I really hope it can be official lore, but dammit, I'm writing it anyway.

11-28-2011, 06:53,
Post: #172
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
destroying and kicking out all of the 1.0-now lore is without even consulting those that its going to affect is a giant dick move, at least ask if its okay with the rest of us next time...

You wot?
11-28-2011, 06:53,
Post: #173
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
Lets put it this way: The great Cerce has been killed by Android. There's no stopping that. Now, he can either be reincarnated (into Revamped) and have a whole new adventure, or just... be a dead Cerce. Why quit when you can live a new exciting life? :3
11-28-2011, 07:51, (This post was last modified: 11-28-2011, 07:55 by tristo999.)
Post: #174
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
Your all taking this a bit to seriously. Be Cerce Tetones. Have your lore. I doubt people are going to get seriously mad and shun you because of it. Anyways just my say is was happened in 2.0 happened. You can't erase it. Also I in no was think it was a failure. If it was would we all be here now. It wasn't perfect i know but that doesn't mean we should shun it. As for the role-play I do think its a bit silly to erase some of the characters backrounds. Role-play doesn't have much rules, let them do as they please. There is always going to be that warmongering idiot whose role-play ideas is talking about the new IRL game while killing anyone he sees.
Stupid auto correct.

[Image: kLeN8.png]
11-28-2011, 08:14,
Post: #175
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
Tristo; unless it's officially recognized, I'd like to quote Gone with the Wind.

Quite frankly, dear, I don't give a damn.

I'm not going to fight tooth and nail against the powers that be any longer. They don't want Cerce Tentones to exist, they got what they wanted.

"One can concentrate so closely on the words of a sentence that one thereby misses the meaning. As can happen in any area of life. You must never lose focus on the larger landscape."
11-28-2011, 08:25,
Post: #176
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
While looking through some of the previous posts i think this little thing is getting out of hands. Now your threatening people with legal rights. I don't agree with some things but still man. Calm yourself down. Also relize just taking stuff down isn't a memory wipe. You might have your little copywrite over what you wrote but that doesn't stop us from writing our experiences with you on what happened on our website. If I talk about cerantiace where I lived and had a part in your not going to sue me. I can't just go into the forums and wiki, look for anything that says Tristo in it and sue you for anything you put about it. I believe and correct me If I'm wrong if I want to write a topic called cerantice or the great grieved plague I perfectly have the write to on the Kiwike wiki.

[Image: kLeN8.png]
11-28-2011, 08:28,
Post: #177
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
Cerce, I may not be as hard core of an rp player as you, nor would I ever understand the depth of how you take your role-playing seriously, but you, andy, tris, Main, Suba, Gecko, Pwol, Nlewis, the whole lot of you had made it a rich experience for this not-so-much-role-playing player. Like many others, I don't see how you can't bring some aspects of your old roleplay into revamped. Heck, I probably will stick to being a dragon, I can't think of my character as being any other thing. I apologize that I don't understand the magnitude of this.

But if you're truly set on leaving it all for good, then Cerce as we know him will be sorely missed. People say you are an excellent addition to the server, and I think you are too. Even if I don't roleplay as much, those few roleplaying times I ever had with you guys were good times.

And it's 2am and I should probably go to sleep already D:

[Image: Shipbuilder-sig.jpg]
11-28-2011, 08:41,
Post: #178
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
(11-28-2011, 08:25)tristo999 Wrote: While looking through some of the previous posts i think this little thing is getting out of hands. Now your threatening people with legal rights. I don't agree with some things but still man. Calm yourself down. Also relize just taking stuff down isn't a memory wipe. You might have your little copywrite over what you wrote but that doesn't stop us from writing our experiences with you on what happened on our website. If I talk about cerantiace where I lived and had a part in your not going to sue me. I can't just go into the forums and wiki, look for anything that says Tristo in it and sue you for anything you put about it. I believe and correct me If I'm wrong if I want to write a topic called cerantice or the great grieved plague I perfectly have the write to on the Kiwike wiki.

Yes, you have the right to.

But I have the right to remove anything and everything that I myself have written about myself or things of my own origination.

If Cerce doesn't exist, and nothing in Kiwike 2.0 ever happened, I see no reason why I cannot make that line of thinking a reality.

The legal terms mean you can't copy and paste what I have written and claim that you yourself have done it. That's all.

"One can concentrate so closely on the words of a sentence that one thereby misses the meaning. As can happen in any area of life. You must never lose focus on the larger landscape."
11-28-2011, 08:46,
Post: #179
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
I know. I'm sorry. I'm just a bit edgy today and I think it's all a bit childish. I think you should leave it up for others to enjoy. I'f you get mad about something you don't have to ruin it for others. I loved cerise and his ways and I bet id be fine to be Cerce. If you want Cerce to be who Cerce was then let him be who Cerce was. Android was a bit harsh on the rule and I Bet that he would make a exeption. Just trying to help. Don't waste everything Cerce. Just goes downhill from there.

[Image: kLeN8.png]
11-28-2011, 08:51,
Post: #180
RE: Kiwike: Revamped
(11-28-2011, 08:28)Saera Wrote: Like many others, I don't see how you can't bring some aspects of your old roleplay into revamped.

A few lines prohibitting me from doing what you just said I should do (bring aspects of the old roleplay, aka old Kiwike, into revamped):

(11-27-2011, 00:52)Android Wrote: In Kiwike: Revamped, we'll be seeing a complete change. This means that anything that had happened on the current map is gone, only to remain in the deep archives of the Kiwike Server. There will be no transferring of lore, towns, Tullius, nations, characters, RP events, etc. Revamped will feature a fresh start for all players, with a new focus on role-play.

(11-27-2011, 04:56)Android Wrote: A completely fresh start, that's what Revamped will be.

You're right, the griever plague never happened, nor did Cerantia, or Helvanthar for that matter.

(11-27-2011, 19:27)Naamandre3 Wrote: As official spoke person from the moderator team, or at least lore-wise.

Seeing we or at least i want to have a more firm grip on the story line, and this is not really compatible with the current one. we or at least i would like to give people a blank sheet.

What that means. current events in the kiwike spectrum, ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 and even the temp server if you included that will not be in the mind of your character, seeing he never existed. Now i do not have a problem if your character has the same name age etc then the one you used before. but it cannot have the memories, it can have the same events before he went to kiwike.

Only nothing of previous kiwike. can remain. No wars happend, no plagues, no nothing

My decision on this is final, until someone could show me why people role-play could not establish the same relation with people they already had in kiwike, only not using the same events that happened before.

(11-27-2011, 20:43)Android Wrote: 2.0 will not integrate with Revamped in any way, can I make it any more clear?

(11-28-2011, 00:22)Android Wrote: Unfortunately, Kiwike: Revamped is not going to include any characters that specifically live in 2.0, so if it was to be bridged over, it sounds like your work in recording what you have done in 2.0 would be wasted anyways? Seeing as how you couldn't use it in Revamped since your character of Cerce cannot be there.

(11-28-2011, 02:05)Android Wrote: ... the Cerantian Empire that we knew on Kiwike 2.0 never happened, because it was on 2.0, not Revamped. If we start with this, then everyone ends up being a descendant of their old RP characters and have the exact same traits and relationships. Revamped is starting anew, there isn't even a set time between the two stages because the first never happened.

And of course, if we let that pass for just you, it'd be to say that none of the rest get any rights to speak of 2.0, being the past, because it all belongs to Cerce through the journal he found of his ancestor.

(11-28-2011, 04:49)Cell Wrote: Guys, I don't think Android could be more clear.
He is not budging on the subject of connecting the two maps together. You can keep your race, etc. As long as your lore has nothing 2.0 in it.

"One can concentrate so closely on the words of a sentence that one thereby misses the meaning. As can happen in any area of life. You must never lose focus on the larger landscape."

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