(01-03-2012, 22:18)StayPuff Wrote: (01-03-2012, 21:18)Sir Prize Wrote: Creator, I am in the progress of making a guide that clears up confusion around metagaming and such. So you don't have to worry about that.
However, I have never heard of the word powergaming before.
And example of powergaming:
You are doing an RP fight with some other dude. Your character goes to punch the other guy in the face and you don't care about the others consent or what he wants his character to do because you feel your character greatly surpasses the other guy.
That's pretty basic. Like I said before, there are multiple other definitions of powergaming, but I feel that this is the easiest example I could think of.
Yea that's one meaning of powergaming, another one is that you RP a really unrealistic action.
Example: You're in a fight with a guy and you suddenly write that you summon a gay dragon with 5 heads and wich starts raping the other guy till he dies.
Do you have to write when you take something out from your inventory and where you take it out from? Example:
Guy lets his backpack slide off his right shoulder and onto the ground, he then bends down to open the backpack carefully and then starts searching for an item. He finds the ítem and takes it out from the backpack and puts it on the ground next to him. Guy closes the backpack and equips it on his shoulders as he grabs the item with his right hand. He then unbends his knees making him stand up.
Or do you just equip it giving the rest of the players no information at all?
[EDIT] I really think there should be a big guide on wich definitions of powergaming should be used on this server, since some might not fit here.