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Oranges44's Ban Appeal (3)
05-05-2012, 15:17, (This post was last modified: 05-05-2012, 15:26 by oranges44.)
Post: #1
Oranges44's Ban Appeal (3)
Well , I guess I'll have to explain this one as well.
So as you might already know I got banned for supposed x - ray , digging deep 5 blocks to uncover a chest. So let me run through what happened. One morning with few to none people on (When we were building crashes town) I decide to go over to Crazy's and scout everything 'in case' anything bad happens between us so we have the better advantage. So I go into the storage room and low and behold there's two locked chests. And a open block at the end of the building , so I look straight down and it's a ladder. I go down it and to my surprise there's chests. However I decide to leave everything untouched , In case they pile up more resources. Before I leave I notice a piece of wood behind one of the chests.

Then comes today , I head over to their town and decide after they try to murder me to go to that same storage room and take everything. I come in through the side of the building. As I had a lot of sand to patch up the grief later on. From there I find a chest randomly as I dig about four blocks down. , It's locked and I assume it's from the chest room as I see a wood block next to it. I unlock it , find a lot of goods and bolt. Then Icaroon reports xray and I simply think , here we go again. Not thinking I uncovered a secret chest but simply stumbling onto the chest room and a locked chest (note that this chest is simply one or two blocks from the storage room). So he reports it and after 3 minutes Yotta instantly bans me for xray. No questioning . No nothing.

Now I would like to discuss how the xray texture pack works , Myself an admin I am required to have this texture pack. And in testing done you can clearly see that if a chest is covered around blocks it's 'Immensely' more difficult to see , almost impossible. This whole mishap was a certain coincidence and I hope to be unbanned soon , I can understand where the admins are coming from believing I x-rayed that chest but I didn't. It was sheer luck. I hope that people who decide to post on here make sure that they post some liable information and not just flame like my previous appeals.

Thank you for you're time ,

05-05-2012, 15:26,
Post: #2
RE: Oranges44's Ban Appeal (3)
Android- I don't know what to say.
On the matter of the chest, not my position to say anything.
05-05-2012, 15:27, (This post was last modified: 05-05-2012, 15:28 by Android.)
Post: #3
RE: Oranges44's Ban Appeal (3)
I was going to question you first to
get the whole story before any bans were issued, but it looks like you've done it elsewhere as well.

There was a base underground that used stone bricks. Above it, we found that you made some five by five pit that went maybe ten block deep, directly over this base. After this, you dug down into the base itself. The owner claims that there was nothing to give the base away.

Like I said, I would have rathered to talk about it on skype, but since you were banned before questioning (!), this will have to do.
05-05-2012, 15:29, (This post was last modified: 05-05-2012, 15:37 by oranges44.)
Post: #4
RE: Oranges44's Ban Appeal (3)
In reply to that , Someone gave me coords to the base - From then I dug out a 5 x 5 deep tunnel just in case the base was slightly out of area. Not to mention my ban reason was the one for Icinaaron.

- Get on skype
05-05-2012, 15:44,
Post: #5
RE: Oranges44's Ban Appeal (3)
If you give them info such as who gave the coords they can verify that.

[Image: r61bo.png]
05-05-2012, 15:46, (This post was last modified: 05-05-2012, 15:47 by oranges44.)
Post: #6
RE: Oranges44's Ban Appeal (3)
But the fact is I was banned for the Icinaroon incident , not for the other problem.
05-05-2012, 15:53,
Post: #7
RE: Oranges44's Ban Appeal (3)
And only two people had the coordinates Oranges. Neither would of given them to you.
05-05-2012, 15:59,
Post: #8
RE: Oranges44's Ban Appeal (3)
You obviously didn't read my entire reply, Oranges, if you're avoiding my question.
05-05-2012, 16:01, (This post was last modified: 05-05-2012, 16:03 by oranges44.)
Post: #9
RE: Oranges44's Ban Appeal (3)
That's what you think , Even if they didnt - All of this isn't enough proof to ban me. You need concrete evidence like what you had with Pavja2. Right now this is viewed as accusations , with the only lead being a chest dug to which has a perfectly reasonable story to it. So please , do unban me.

Cell if I truely xrayed you're little base. Then why didnt I uncover any chests? Surely if I had xray I would of found 'everything'.
(05-05-2012, 15:27)Android Wrote: I was going to question you first to
get the whole story before any bans were issued, but it looks like you've done it elsewhere as well.

There was a base underground that used stone bricks. Above it, we found that you made some five by five pit that went maybe ten block deep, directly over this base. After this, you dug down into the base itself. The owner claims that there was nothing to give the base away.

Like I said, I would have rathered to talk about it on skype, but since you were banned before questioning (!), this will have to do.

I do not see a obvious question here , just get on skype so we can sort this out droid HerpDerp
05-05-2012, 16:08,
Post: #10
RE: Oranges44's Ban Appeal (3)
Wait so if the chest was fully coverd and since our xray plugin is really good from what i hear isnt there no way for him to xray this? with a texture pack or a mod? Also people have to di a few blocks down to find hidden chests so it is understandable to dig anywhere from 3-5 blocks down.

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