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Giratina Ban Appeal
05-06-2012, 00:40,
Post: #11
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
Love how you go after 1 point. Here's the thing. A major contribution to your ban is that you attacked EVERYONE. There were complaints from so many people it was unreal. TBH, I do not know a single group (other than Solitude) that you have not attacked

Leech: Moderating the wiki for over 75 years
[Image: QZj44.gif]
05-06-2012, 00:44,
Post: #12
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
Then why is this ban only towards me? My fellow town members participated in every raid with me. Surely their at fault aswell? Oh that's right "Their not PVP - Obsessed freaks" Like me. So in that case I guess everyone who's a threat to mods and players alike deserves a perma - ban.
05-06-2012, 00:44, (This post was last modified: 05-06-2012, 00:45 by Leech.)
Post: #13
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
(05-06-2012, 00:37)oranges44 Wrote: So you expect to have a professional server through the built - structure of "We can ban whoever we want"? Bans are supposed to be fair. Not out of dislike. On HG I can't ban random people who seem like idiots , just because it's practical for a professional server to not work that way.

Not to mention , If I wasen't good at PVP at all. None of you would suggest I think that way. It's just because you know my background that you're making up reasons to justifiy this ban. Simple as.

Did you know most of the mods are also biased in this sense? Mhm.

Once again, you've almost never Rp'd this idea of "PvP > RP" needs to stop, and you're the main cause. We've found examples of metagame and powergame all over the place. Don't blame everyone else, this is your ban. I am APPALLED that any server would hire an admin that acts like you. I would leave quietly, this is just gonna become a flame war
(05-06-2012, 00:44)oranges44 Wrote: Then why is this ban only towards me? My fellow town members participated in every raid with me. Surely their at fault aswell? Oh that's right "Their not PVP - Obsessed freaks" Like me. So in that case I guess everyone who's a threat to mods and players alike deserves a perma - ban.

I would ban them too. But you're the worst offender. you've raided many more times than they have, and you've RP'd less

Leech: Moderating the wiki for over 75 years
[Image: QZj44.gif]
05-06-2012, 00:47, (This post was last modified: 05-06-2012, 00:49 by oranges44.)
Post: #14
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
I'm not arguing on that Leech , we all know what's the real case here but I'm not going to state it. As I would have everyone here flame me and go off - topic.

EDIT: So many complaints , JUST FROM YOUR TOWN?
05-06-2012, 00:53, (This post was last modified: 05-06-2012, 00:57 by Leech.)
Post: #15
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
What? that the staff is corrupt? That they all hate you? Listen, you're banned because you were here for PvP, and not for RP. You've done condemnable things. Previous war mongers pissed staff members off, but they had much better conduct than you. They weren't mowing down everyone in sight, they knew that a raid wasn't just PvP. Rather than attacking people for the heck of it, they made it a fun affair, where we could have legitimate battles. Nobody attacked people they didn't see a profit on. We had pressure, we had hard feelings, but we had fun. From what I can tell, your plan isn't even to attack all the citizens. You target the unarmed ones. What's the fun in that? You came to our towns, struck down those who couldn't fight back, and left.

EDIT: Yea, you went after my town because it was so active. That, mixed with some rage-y people, is a recipe for disaster

Leech: Moderating the wiki for over 75 years
[Image: QZj44.gif]
05-06-2012, 01:12, (This post was last modified: 05-06-2012, 01:13 by iDieForEXP.)
Post: #16
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
So yeah... I had hoped you changed with our conversation last night, and I'd like to hear an admin or something, but don't be pav...

EDIT: I'm copyrighting that btw, "Don't be a pav."

EDIT2: Owait, nvm. I cant copyright stuff. Nobody better say that!
05-06-2012, 01:14,
Post: #17
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
I've been here a week and all I've seen is you being horrible and attacking people. I mean, your "raid" today was pretty much you getting the jump on people in Revolt and then arguing for a bit until you attacked anyway.

Logging in and threatening the nearest person because of some BS about him raiding you isn't RP, and isn't justified in any sort of war context. Especially since the little RP I saw was you palling up with MainDigger who you went ahead and killed anyway once you'd started a fight.

So basically in the context of "you especially seem to be ruining it for everyone else" (and being very jobsworth about the rules even when you're going against the spirit) I can see why you're banned.
05-06-2012, 01:30, (This post was last modified: 05-06-2012, 01:36 by oranges44.)
Post: #18
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
You don't even know the long history I have with Leech RP - Wise , We're known enemies and he's raided my town a couple of times. And if you would like to know I attacked Leech and from there everyone attacked me , Once again not my fault. And also aren't you just mad that I managed to kill you aswell? After you managed to acquire a diamond set.
05-06-2012, 01:37,
Post: #19
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
Yea, one time I talked to him. That was after he had been raiding us for several days. I also talked to him today. The entire conversation was him looking for a reason to kill me. You had been warned that they would all attack you if you attacked, and you still attacked. How is that not your fault? Anyways, we've had some great RP, Giratina Troll.

Leech: Moderating the wiki for over 75 years
[Image: QZj44.gif]
05-06-2012, 01:44,
Post: #20
RE: Giratina Ban Appeal
Honestly? I'm still mad that we let him in when someone else did his background lore work for him. Yea, I haven't voiced this before, but still - the lore and roleplay experience should be taken into heavy account before letting people like Giratina in again.

This is not a PvP server. Anyone who comes here for reasons of PvP, in my honest opinion, should - at the very least - be watched with a very suspecting eye.

"One can concentrate so closely on the words of a sentence that one thereby misses the meaning. As can happen in any area of life. You must never lose focus on the larger landscape."

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