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Pwolbart's RP log Ban Apeal
05-27-2012, 20:26, (This post was last modified: 05-27-2012, 20:26 by Pwol.)
Post: #1
Pwolbart's RP log Ban Apeal
I was banned for RP logging.

Here is the story : I was in Dj/Unreal's town and was inside their castle. I killed unreal and took his items, once I had the items i needed, i looked for an escape, but Dj and Unreal had already locked the city down. I then ./homed in order to leave the town, when there was no imminent threat.

I have a common idea of what RP logging is, but there is no definition or any mention of RP/Combat logging in the rules. If this is not in the rules, i am not sure how this common knowledge for anyone.

Are you not allowed to use this command (/home, or /inn) as a method to escape in character? If not, why is this command available in an RP server? If the ability to teleport is given to donors, but is not allowed to be used for anything but ooc convenience, it hardly promotes the RP on this server and is simply bait for mods to ban players.

RP logging looks as though it is a way for the mods to ban a player where the definition of combat logging does not apply, but at the same time, combat logging has been defined and has restrictions placed upon it so that combat logging does not occur. In my case, no combat was occurring, I killed Unreal and Dj was not in my sight.

Could I please get a clarification on my ban please? as well as a thorough definition of RP/Combat logging is, and why I have been banned for it.

I would highly appreciate if only mods could reply to this to eliminate a chance of a flame war.

Thank you
05-27-2012, 20:35,
Post: #2
RE: Pwolbart's RP log Ban Apeal
AwwYeah S**tstorm inbound. Hold on, lemme get my popcorn.

[Image: lotr+gif.+i+found+this_20c351_4223345.gif]
05-27-2012, 20:39,
Post: #3
RE: Pwolbart's RP log Ban Apeal
Don't pull the whole "I didn't know you couldn't /inn or /home". How many times have you screamed "Rp log" in OOC?
05-27-2012, 20:53,
Post: #4
RE: Pwolbart's RP log Ban Apeal
(05-27-2012, 20:39)Cell Wrote: LOL.
Don't pull the whole "I didn't know you couldn't /inn or /home". How many times have you screamed "Rp log" in OOC?


05-27-2012, 20:54,
Post: #5
RE: Pwolbart's RP log Ban Apeal
(05-27-2012, 20:39)Cell Wrote: LOL.
Don't pull the whole "I didn't know you couldn't /inn or /home". How many times have you screamed "Rp log" in OOC?

"I would highly appreciate if only mods could reply to this to eliminate a chance of a flame war."
05-27-2012, 20:59,
Post: #6
RE: Pwolbart's RP log Ban Apeal
(05-27-2012, 20:26)Pwol Wrote: I was banned for RP logging.

Here is the story : I was in Dj/Unreal's town and was inside their castle. I killed unreal and took his items, once I had the items i needed, i looked for an escape, but Dj and Unreal had already locked the city down. I then ./homed in order to leave the town, when there was no imminent threat.

Dj and Unreal said they were right under Pwolbart when he climbed up the ladder. The other possible means of escape I could think of was to jump down to the level below and hope for the best instead of using /home.

(05-27-2012, 20:26)Pwol Wrote: I have a common idea of what RP logging is, but there is no definition or any mention of RP/Combat logging in the rules. If this is not in the rules, i am not sure how this common knowledge for anyone.

The general idea is "to avoid a confrontation", which is the reason most people use to rp/combat log. You basically climbed up to a tower, Unreal and Dj followed behind by the ladders that was the only means up. I can't think of any other reason why you'd /home other than to "avoid a confrontation".

(05-27-2012, 20:26)Pwol Wrote: Are you not allowed to use this command (/home, or /inn) as a method to escape in character? If not, why is this command available in an RP server? If the ability to teleport is given to donors, but is not allowed to be used for anything but ooc convenience, it hardly promotes the RP on this server and is simply bait for mods to ban players.

And that is the point, you aren't suppose to use /home or /inn to escape/avoid a confrontation. It is merely there for the convenience and ease of travelling, or as in the case of most rp-ers, they use it to return home after they know their rp is done, like "farewell, good bye, see you again, I have other business to attend to".

(05-27-2012, 20:26)Pwol Wrote: RP logging looks as though it is a way for the mods to ban a player where the definition of combat logging does not apply, but at the same time, combat logging has been defined and has restrictions placed upon it so that combat logging does not occur. In my case, no combat was occurring, I killed Unreal and Dj was not in my sight.

Read the previous statement. And we are not dealing with combat logging, that is dealt by the combat log plugin. So this entire statement, is for the rp logging.

The items were gained Illegitly, and we believe they should be returned. If Pwol had not /home'd he would have been killed and returned the stolen items, But seeing how he did do an Illegit /home the items were taken by seeking an unfair advantage.

As quoted on the chat,
"Rp log is when you escape from rp." - Nlewis
"There was no other way to escape or he would have died so he /homed" - Nlewis.

Someone is to run into a base, take the items they desire and /home to escape when they know someone is in town, taking a couple hour to one day ban and in return getting a load of very valuable items that could have taken more than the banned time to obtain.

[Image: Shipbuilder-sig.jpg]

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