Everything past 24 is a repeat just ignore them. These are pictures of the constant unjust raids made since I made peace with Nlewis. None of which were made with the mod permission that they were required to get.
These screenshots show their RP, starting yesterday, that they made a bill, known as the "Tribute of the Good Act"(below). This act was supposedly agreed on by us by walking into the peace summit. There is no indication that this wasn't thought up off the top of their heads.
This was an RP excuse to mug people. They walked into towns in Promethia, and asked for all valuables. If someone didn't comply, they were killed on the spot. At first, they used Asdf and Conor to do the killing, because they thought he would bypass the raiding ban, but they did it themselves soon after.
They further RP'd that they are attacking us because we refused to worship them as gods and build them a temple.
Additionally you can see that they constantly break blocks in towns within my nation. When they do bother to replace blocks they do so incorrectly, they attempt to RP things such as ripping up your floors in front of you.
One example of this is here: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?tid=3380
At one point, after killing Lordgodfrey, they lit a fire and burned all of his stuff
Then there are the multiple other reasons to ban Nlewis and Pwolbart:
The sheer amount of bans between the two as well as the fact that they used alts such as Zilky, Ryanknaggs, and Sparky to circumvent those bans. As well as knowingly harboring the alts of others such as Oranges44/Giratina/Jezox also done to circumvent bans.
They are people with long history's of harassment, stretching back to December, 2010. They've destroyed entire towns, along with man other griefs, abusing the idea of a temp map. Even having been long time members does not grant them immunity to the rules. People like this do not make kiwike an enjoyable server and should not be allowed to stay.
(Comprehensive list on the forums as requested by the mods.)
So.... I would like to ask, what does Droidopolis have to do with Revamped, this is back in 1.0. Wouldn't that be considered an OOC grudge?
Everything past 24 is a repeat just ignore them. These are pictures of the constant unjust raids made since I made peace with Nlewis. None of which were made with the mod permission that they were required to get.
These screenshots show their RP, starting yesterday, that they made a bill, known as the "Tribute of the Good Act"(below). This act was supposedly agreed on by us by walking into the peace summit. There is no indication that this wasn't thought up off the top of their heads.
This was an RP excuse to mug people. They walked into towns in Promethia, and asked for all valuables. If someone didn't comply, they were killed on the spot. At first, they used Asdf and Conor to do the killing, because they thought he would bypass the raiding ban, but they did it themselves soon after.
They further RP'd that they are attacking us because we refused to worship them as gods and build them a temple.
Additionally you can see that they constantly break blocks in towns within my nation. When they do bother to replace blocks they do so incorrectly, they attempt to RP things such as ripping up your floors in front of you.
One example of this is here: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?tid=3380
At one point, after killing Lordgodfrey, they lit a fire and burned all of his stuff
Then there are the multiple other reasons to ban Nlewis and Pwolbart:
The sheer amount of bans between the two as well as the fact that they used alts such as Zilky, Ryanknaggs, and Sparky to circumvent those bans. As well as knowingly harboring the alts of others such as Oranges44/Giratina/Jezox also done to circumvent bans.
They are people with long history's of harassment, stretching back to December, 2010. They've destroyed entire towns, along with man other griefs, abusing the idea of a temp map. Even having been long time members does not grant them immunity to the rules. People like this do not make kiwike an enjoyable server and should not be allowed to stay.
(Comprehensive list on the forums as requested by the mods.)
So.... I would like to ask, what does Droidopolis have to do with Revamped, this is back in 1.0. Wouldn't that be considered an OOC grudge?
No, it is being used to hold up the point that they have broken rules that would grant a permaban but as you can see: they are not permabanned.
(06-03-2012, 04:11)oranges44 Wrote: As an Admin on a PVP server , and having played one myself. You sir are wrong. Plain wrong. No such thing as a RADAR MOD in any case I've ever seen.
Oh really? Let me get on google for a second.
(07-14-2012, 13:30)Leech Wrote: ^This guy can learn new instruments like they're nothing. I have no clue how he does it
Everything past 24 is a repeat just ignore them. These are pictures of the constant unjust raids made since I made peace with Nlewis. None of which were made with the mod permission that they were required to get.
These screenshots show their RP, starting yesterday, that they made a bill, known as the "Tribute of the Good Act"(below). This act was supposedly agreed on by us by walking into the peace summit. There is no indication that this wasn't thought up off the top of their heads.
This was an RP excuse to mug people. They walked into towns in Promethia, and asked for all valuables. If someone didn't comply, they were killed on the spot. At first, they used Asdf and Conor to do the killing, because they thought he would bypass the raiding ban, but they did it themselves soon after.
They further RP'd that they are attacking us because we refused to worship them as gods and build them a temple.
Additionally you can see that they constantly break blocks in towns within my nation. When they do bother to replace blocks they do so incorrectly, they attempt to RP things such as ripping up your floors in front of you.
One example of this is here: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?tid=3380
At one point, after killing Lordgodfrey, they lit a fire and burned all of his stuff
Then there are the multiple other reasons to ban Nlewis and Pwolbart:
The sheer amount of bans between the two as well as the fact that they used alts such as Zilky, Ryanknaggs, and Sparky to circumvent those bans. As well as knowingly harboring the alts of others such as Oranges44/Giratina/Jezox also done to circumvent bans.
They are people with long history's of harassment, stretching back to December, 2010. They've destroyed entire towns, along with man other griefs, abusing the idea of a temp map. Even having been long time members does not grant them immunity to the rules. People like this do not make kiwike an enjoyable server and should not be allowed to stay.
(Comprehensive list on the forums as requested by the mods.)
So.... I would like to ask, what does Droidopolis have to do with Revamped, this is back in 1.0. Wouldn't that be considered an OOC grudge?
No, it is being used to hold up the point that they have broken rules that would grant a permaban but as you can see: they are not permabanned.
Back then, you were allowed to grief, you have no argument.
Radar does exist, as can be confirmed by Android. Just because you are an Admin Gira, doesn't mean you know everything. I remember a resident of Bludwick using a radar mod not knowing it was illegal, what is basically does is tell you what player is in a set block radius, and what direction they are. He removed it later after being told. Android should remember this.
Oh, and i'm not saying any of you use it, but it does exist.
Everything past 24 is a repeat just ignore them. These are pictures of the constant unjust raids made since I made peace with Nlewis. None of which were made with the mod permission that they were required to get.
These screenshots show their RP, starting yesterday, that they made a bill, known as the "Tribute of the Good Act"(below). This act was supposedly agreed on by us by walking into the peace summit. There is no indication that this wasn't thought up off the top of their heads.
This was an RP excuse to mug people. They walked into towns in Promethia, and asked for all valuables. If someone didn't comply, they were killed on the spot. At first, they used Asdf and Conor to do the killing, because they thought he would bypass the raiding ban, but they did it themselves soon after.
They further RP'd that they are attacking us because we refused to worship them as gods and build them a temple.
Additionally you can see that they constantly break blocks in towns within my nation. When they do bother to replace blocks they do so incorrectly, they attempt to RP things such as ripping up your floors in front of you.
One example of this is here: http://kiwike.se/forum/showthread.php?tid=3380
At one point, after killing Lordgodfrey, they lit a fire and burned all of his stuff
Then there are the multiple other reasons to ban Nlewis and Pwolbart:
The sheer amount of bans between the two as well as the fact that they used alts such as Zilky, Ryanknaggs, and Sparky to circumvent those bans. As well as knowingly harboring the alts of others such as Oranges44/Giratina/Jezox also done to circumvent bans.
They are people with long history's of harassment, stretching back to December, 2010. They've destroyed entire towns, along with man other griefs, abusing the idea of a temp map. Even having been long time members does not grant them immunity to the rules. People like this do not make kiwike an enjoyable server and should not be allowed to stay.
(Comprehensive list on the forums as requested by the mods.)
So.... I would like to ask, what does Droidopolis have to do with Revamped, this is back in 1.0. Wouldn't that be considered an OOC grudge?
No, it is being used to hold up the point that they have broken rules that would grant a permaban but as you can see: they are not permabanned.
Back then, you were allowed to grief, you have no argument.
I do not remember greif EVER being legal, please excuse my ignorance if it was.
(07-14-2012, 13:30)Leech Wrote: ^This guy can learn new instruments like they're nothing. I have no clue how he does it
(06-03-2012, 04:11)oranges44 Wrote: As an Admin on a PVP server , and having played one myself. You sir are wrong. Plain wrong. No such thing as a RADAR MOD in any case I've ever seen.
Hang on, there's a more hostile version. Lemme get it.
(06-03-2012, 04:14)Cell Wrote: Radar does exist, as can be confirmed by Android. Just because you are an Admin Gira, doesn't mean you know everything. I remember a resident of Bludwick using a radar mod not knowing it was illegal, what is basically does is tell you what player is in a set block radius, and what direction they are. He removed it later after being told. Android should remember this.
Oh, and i'm not saying any of you use it, but it does exist.
Yes! My RP penpal is now also my OOC mutual friend!
(06-03-2012, 04:11)oranges44 Wrote: As an Admin on a PVP server , and having played one myself. You sir are wrong. Plain wrong. No such thing as a RADAR MOD in any case I've ever seen.
I hate to say it, but it's very easy to conclude that a certain group-of-individuals-on-Kiwike-that-have-been-known-for-using-mods-and-very-slyly-hide-the-fact-that-they-use-it-or-do-not-ask-whether-it's-allowed may or may not use this.
(06-03-2012, 04:13)NLewis Wrote: -snip-
Back then, you were allowed to grief, you have no argument.
If grief was legal, than how were you almost banned for it. My memory isn't exactly vivid, but it definitely was not well received. And, the point of it is that you have never been here for the right reasons. If you're willing to burn down or blow up people's creations, which they poured heart and soul into, then you're probably willing to break other rules. Today that you proved you will
Didn't even bring up the Radar hacks, there's evidence for that, but it's largely circumstantial