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Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
06-03-2012, 05:04, (This post was last modified: 06-03-2012, 05:06 by geckosquid.)
Post: #81
RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
All right, everyone. Stop. Just stop.

Firstly, I want everyone except for Riskae and the Solitudians to leave this thread. This is getting way out of control. You're hurling shit at each other and we have gotten absolutely nowhere since the first post in 8 whole pages.

I'm seriously disappointed in this community right now. What should have been a discussion immediately regressed into whining banter. I'm talking to almost everyone in this thread when I say this.

The citizens of Solitude realize something that many others apparently don't: this is just a game. We can fight each other, and we can appeal to ban each other when things go awry, but at the end of the day, will dying in Minecraft affect your actual lives whatsoever? The answer, for the less intellectually inclined among us, is a resounding no, no, no.

It has been proven throughout human history that the best way to be united and strong is to have someone to aggress on; a common enemy. Solitude is providing you guys with something that you refuse to appreciate: A cause. If their need for power angers you, channel that into your character, bolster your forces, and do your damn best to beat the shit out of them. What enemy is more perfect than one who wants the world to kneel before them in worship? If we permanently banned people for minor acts of metagaming and slight breaks of rules, we would have almost nobody on the server. Instead of spending your energy on trying to get them banned, stock up on resources and fight back. And finally, for the sake of everything good in this world, stop whining.

Thank you for your consideration.

06-03-2012, 05:05,
Post: #82
RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
(06-03-2012, 04:51)asdfasdflkjty911 Wrote: If ya'll are so sick of being raided, why dont you try to put up a fight? It seems like there is so many of you here talking about this, why not all unite against Solitude? Come on. It wouldnt be too hard to unite, would it?

We would, only you keep interrupting our "Conspiracy" meetings! Think about what you say before you say it.

06-03-2012, 05:05, (This post was last modified: 06-03-2012, 05:06 by Riskae.)
Post: #83
RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
(06-03-2012, 04:59)Pwol Wrote: Alright, this isnt going anywhere, im not going to reply to this anymore, as you are just repeating yourselves.

I would like to talk to the mods and admins in teamspeak or Skype, to explain this without the distractions. If this is too much to ask for.
Thank you

/Stop replying to thread
Because you keep asking stupid questions or making statements that have already been addressed.

You've been digging this hole for a long time.

[Image: r61bo.png]
06-03-2012, 05:06,
Post: #84
RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
Everyone scroll up and read my post before going on. My god...

06-03-2012, 05:07, (This post was last modified: 06-03-2012, 05:08 by Ian25.)
Post: #85
RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
(06-03-2012, 05:00)Riskae Wrote:
(06-03-2012, 04:56)Ian25 Wrote:
(06-03-2012, 04:45)smellityet Wrote:
(06-03-2012, 04:36)Ian25 Wrote: So you went from trying to get us banned for getting "banned" too much, to now trying to get us banned by saying we're using radar mods? The amount of hate shown is weird. Honestly, get off the internet and go do something. It's a damn game.

Pretty much. LOL

But do you know why? That I doubt. You (not specifically you, err.. your "faction" [and I don't mean the faction plugin lol]) complain, and complain, and complain your way out of every ban or punishment.

If you haven't noticed, the number of people you've (once again, not specifically you alone) immensely disturbed and annoyed has greatly increased. It wouldn't be as bad if you were just RPing a jerk-wad of a character, but using advantages is really irritating.

The point is that you've gone to extremes when it came to these advantages and arguing out of punishments, bans, and consequences to the point where the other side of the debate also has to do so.

Seeing as thought the staff have pretty much have decided they're going to ban them (and effectively me), I will start to post on this thread just for the lolz.

Being banned for being an asshole? This just gets better and better. [Image: MichaelJacksonEatingPopcorn.gif]

Well you certainly just completed the asshole part. :/

Lol wut? All I can see on this thread is a bunch of whiners complaining about us, agreeing with each other, then continuing to complain about us when this whole situation that's been going on for months could be solved with a few sentences. [Everybody who hates Den Valdig ally with us to destroy them] or something like that. But, instead, all you guys do is sit on your ass, post threads complaining about us to get us banned, all because you can't .. fuck it, you're all whiners.
Re-post, le thank you:

Sexy Gecko Wrote:All right, everyone. Stop. Just stop.

Firstly, I want everyone except for Riskae and the Solitudians to leave this thread. This is getting way out of control. You're hurling shit at each other and we have gotten absolutely nowhere since the first post in 8 whole pages.

I'm seriously disappointed in this community right now. What should have been a discussion immediately regressed into whining banter. I'm talking to almost everyone in this thread when I say this.

The citizens of Solitude realize something that many others apparently don't: this is just a game. We can fight each other, and we can appeal to ban each other when things go awry, but at the end of the day, will dying in Minecraft affect your actual lives whatsoever? The answer, for the less intellectually inclined among us, is a resounding no, no, no.

It has been proven throughout human history that the best way to be united and strong is to have someone to aggress on; a common enemy. Solitude is providing you guys with something that you refuse to appreciate: A cause. If their need for power angers you, channel that into your character, bolster your forces, and do your damn best to beat the shit out of them. What enemy is more perfect than one who wants the world to kneel before them in worship? If we permanently banned people for minor acts of metagaming and slight breaks of rules, we would have almost nobody on the server. Instead of spending your energy on trying to get them banned, stock up on resources and fight back. And finally, for the sake of everything good in this world, stop whining.

Thank you for your consideration.
06-03-2012, 05:08,
Post: #86
RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
(06-03-2012, 05:04)geckosquid Wrote: All right, everyone. Stop. Just stop.

Firstly, I want everyone except for Riskae and the Solitudians to leave this thread. This is getting way out of control. You're hurling shit at each other and we have gotten absolutely nowhere since the first post in 8 whole pages.

I'm seriously disappointed in this community right now. What should have been a discussion immediately regressed into whining banter. I'm talking to almost everyone in this thread when I say this.

The citizens of Solitude realize something that many others apparently don't: this is just a game. We can fight each other, and we can appeal to ban each other when things go awry, but at the end of the day, will dying in Minecraft affect your actual lives whatsoever? The answer, for the less intellectually inclined among us, is a resounding no, no, no.

It has been proven throughout human history that the best way to be united and strong is to have someone to aggress on; a common enemy. Solitude is providing you guys with something that you refuse to appreciate: A cause. If their need for power angers you, channel that into your character, bolster your forces, and do your damn best to beat the shit out of them. What enemy is more perfect than one who wants the world to kneel before them in worship? If we permanently banned people for minor acts of metagaming and slight breaks of rules, we would have almost nobody on the server. Instead of spending your energy on trying to get them banned, stock up on resources and fight back. And finally, for the sake of everything good in this world, stop whining.

Thank you for your consideration.

This^ Thank you Gecko!


06-03-2012, 05:10,
Post: #87
RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
(06-03-2012, 05:04)geckosquid Wrote: All right, everyone. Stop. Just stop.

Firstly, I want everyone except for Riskae and the Solitudians to leave this thread. This is getting way out of control. You're hurling shit at each other and we have gotten absolutely nowhere since the first post in 8 whole pages.

I'm seriously disappointed in this community right now. What should have been a discussion immediately regressed into whining banter. I'm talking to almost everyone in this thread when I say this.

The citizens of Solitude realize something that many others apparently don't: this is just a game. We can fight each other, and we can appeal to ban each other when things go awry, but at the end of the day, will dying in Minecraft affect your actual lives whatsoever? The answer, for the less intellectually inclined among us, is a resounding no, no, no.

It has been proven throughout human history that the best way to be united and strong is to have someone to aggress on; a common enemy. Solitude is providing you guys with something that you refuse to appreciate: A cause. If their need for power angers you, channel that into your character, bolster your forces, and do your damn best to beat the shit out of them. What enemy is more perfect than one who wants the world to kneel before them in worship? If we permanently banned people for minor acts of metagaming and slight breaks of rules, we would have almost nobody on the server. Instead of spending your energy on trying to get them banned, stock up on resources and fight back. And finally, for the sake of everything good in this world, stop whining.

Thank you for your consideration.

Thank you Gecko, this pretty much sums up my argument
06-03-2012, 05:12, (This post was last modified: 06-03-2012, 05:13 by Leech.)
Post: #88
RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
We're trying to unite. It only just started today, give us a break. But, this isn't just about the attacks, Gecko. It's about the rules. I guess nobody's look at the list of broken rules from today yet:
Raiding without Permission multiple times
Burning of items
Minor grief
Assisting an alt of someone who is permabanned

If you guys actually rebute these points this thread can go somewhere

Leech: Moderating the wiki for over 75 years
[Image: QZj44.gif]
06-03-2012, 05:17,
Post: #89
RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
(06-03-2012, 05:04)geckosquid Wrote: All right, everyone. Stop. Just stop.

Firstly, I want everyone except for Riskae and the Solitudians to leave this thread. This is getting way out of control. You're hurling shit at each other and we have gotten absolutely nowhere since the first post in 8 whole pages.

I'm seriously disappointed in this community right now. What should have been a discussion immediately regressed into whining banter. I'm talking to almost everyone in this thread when I say this.

The citizens of Solitude realize something that many others apparently don't: this is just a game. We can fight each other, and we can appeal to ban each other when things go awry, but at the end of the day, will dying in Minecraft affect your actual lives whatsoever? The answer, for the less intellectually inclined among us, is a resounding no, no, no.

It has been proven throughout human history that the best way to be united and strong is to have someone to aggress on; a common enemy. Solitude is providing you guys with something that you refuse to appreciate: A cause. If their need for power angers you, channel that into your character, bolster your forces, and do your damn best to beat the shit out of them. What enemy is more perfect than one who wants the world to kneel before them in worship? If we permanently banned people for minor acts of metagaming and slight breaks of rules, we would have almost nobody on the server. Instead of spending your energy on trying to get them banned, stock up on resources and fight back. And finally, for the sake of everything good in this world, stop whining.

Thank you for your consideration.

Minor acts? This thread needs the input of the entire community. This shows how we as the users feel about it and everyone should come post there viewpoints and be heard. Certainly do refrain from posts like Ians or simple flaming however. Gecko, I only play on one server, Kiwike, and as I do like playing with friends on the server I can't really do that the way it's been going. Being an RP server is for the sake of froming a greater bond for the community which cannot be achieved from something like what solitude is doing. We should be able to have wars without this animosity, but it is the way that solitude has been acting which is causing all this. I believe I am speaking for a majority of the server when I say that Nlewis and Pwol need to be banned. So accusing us of whining? Really? Fuck that, this is a problem of the community and everyone here deserves a say in this not Just me and a few choice mods.

I'm sorry Gecko but I am absolutely against what you just said, if Gecko says you guys shouldn't post here well that isn't fair. I guess we can make a new topic, however I think this conversation should be allowed to continue as a community convo because this is a situation that involves everyone. I can't really over rule what a mod says but I encourage you guys to continue posting your opinions on this topic whether it be in this forum or another. If you want to remain anonymous you should PM droid, yota, or the other mods. But please do get your feelings out there to be heard.

[Image: r61bo.png]
06-03-2012, 05:22,
Post: #90
RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
(06-03-2012, 05:12)Leech Wrote: We're trying to unite. It only just started today, give us a break. But, this isn't just about the attacks, Gecko. It's about the rules. I guess nobody's look at the list of broken rules from today yet:
Raiding without Permission multiple times
Burning of items
Minor grief
Assisting an alt of someone who is permabanned

If you guys actually rebute these points this thread can go somewhere

Just started today? I thought the main basis of your argument was that this has been going on for a while.

If we banned for this variety of metagaming, both sides would be banned.

It's giratina's responsibility for his alt. We can't just shoot everyone close to the victim.

Do four or five blocks destroyed in a hurry really ruin your game experience? I doubt it. If you're so adamant about it, let them replace the blocks by not chasing them down.

Raiding without permission is for yotta to decide on. I personally think a ban on raiding, especially with their new RP reasoning, hinders the RP spirit of the server significantly.

Burning of items? They can't carry them in their inventory and they don't want you to have them. Simple.

Rebuttal enough?


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