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Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
06-03-2012, 15:47,
Post: #171
RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
(06-03-2012, 15:44)iDieForEXP Wrote: Oranges. How could you NOT expect something like that from Yotta? He owns a server that is quite successful, yet a few players start bringing it down from its success. So, he salvages the server by banning the people. You canot honesty expect him to say,"Hey Giratina, I know we've had our rough patches in the past with you beijg a dick and all and making people leave my server, but since you are banned its all good and I really want to hear the contributions you have to make." Frankly, I'm suprised they haven't banned your forum account too because all you do is flame. But this is not the point of the thread. I am assuming that the mods and admins have been discussing the banning of Lewis, Pwolbart, Ian, and a few others amongst themselves, if so could we hear a few of the questions and/or concerns you have about this so that we may address them?

Actually, Giratina was banned because yottabyte doesn't like him, he didn't do anything wrong.
06-03-2012, 15:47, (This post was last modified: 06-03-2012, 15:55 by Leech.)
Post: #172
RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
Members of Solitude, nobody enjoys the wars you are pulling us into on a regular basis, except for yourselves. Your tactics of attacking unarmed people in towns rather than armed people in the field of battle is appalling, and is most certainly despised by most people. I've had many friends say "Tell me when the war is over or when they're banned, because I can't take their shit anymore." Your wars cause production (and enjoyment of the game) to come to a standstill. I remember attempting to build my walls, when you guys came time after time, killing me, with nothing on me other than a couple stacks of stone slab. I doubt you had a use for it. The only reason you had to kill me was that I was there, and soon I knew I couldn't build anymore, until something changed. It was a sickening feeling, knowing I couldn't build in a building game. And many people had the same problems. Look at the Elves. They were so tired of your raids, they abandoned their town to go into hiding. People poured their hearts into that, and it was yanked away from them by you. Simply because you clearly prefer PvP over RP. There's a balance between RP and PvP. Well, you clearly ran off of the scales to go kill somebody, because balanced, you are not. You've only made peace with the people Crash told you to make peace with, and their not even at peace with you anymore. You're practically at war with everyone. Your contribution to the server, is war. That's all you've brought. War, and the suffering of those you declare war on. You ask for people to fight back, but the reason they can't is because you demoralize their citizens to the point of not wanting to play anymore. And, with that happening, why should you be here? Because you can act the "villain?" You're gonna need a hell of a lot more than that to compensate what you've done. In recap: You've done little more than warmonger, you warmonger in a way that makes people want to leave, and you are wrecking player experience.

I'm sorry that this probably doesn't make sense, I'm dealing with little sleep and I'm a bit out of it due to food posioning

Leech: Moderating the wiki for over 75 years
[Image: QZj44.gif]
06-03-2012, 15:52,
Post: #173
RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
I believe that sums things up quite nicely.
06-03-2012, 15:52,
Post: #174
RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
(06-03-2012, 15:47)Leech Wrote: Members of Solitude, nobody enjoys the wars you are pulling us into on a regular basis, except for yourselves. Your tactics of attacking unarmed people in towns rather than armed people in the field of battle is appalling, and is most certainly despised by most people. I've had many friends say "Tell me when the war is over or when they're banned, because I can't take their shit anymore." Your wars cause production (and enjoyment of the game) to come to a standstill. I remember attempting to build my walls, when you guys came time after time, killing me, with nothing on me other than a couple stacks of stone slab. I doubt you had a use for it. The only reason you had to kill me was that I was there, and soon I knew I couldn't build anymore, until something changed. It was a sickening feeling, knowing I couldn't build in a building game. And many people had the same problems. Look at the Elves. They were so tired of your raids, they abandoned their town to go into hiding. People poured their hearts into that, and it was yanked away from them by you. Simply because you clearly prefer RP over PvP. There's a balance between RP and PvP. Well, you clearly ran off of the scales to go kill somebody, because balanced, you are not. You've only made peace with the people Crash told you to make peace with, and their not even at peace with you anymore. You're practically at war with everyone. Your contribution to the server, is war. That's all you've brought. War, and the suffering of those you declare war on. You ask for people to fight back, but the reason they can't is because you demoralize their citizens to the point of not wanting to play anymore. And, with that happening, why should you be here? Because you can act the "villain?" You're gonna need a hell of a lot more than that to compensate what you've done. In recap: You've done little more than warmonger, you warmonger in a way that makes people want to leave, and you are wrecking player experience.

I'm sorry that this probably doesn't make sense, I'm dealing with little sleep and I'm a bit out of it due to food posioning

"Tactics of attacking unarmed people." - wtf, only if you consider iron armour and a diamond sword charging at us is unarmed.

You kept punching us and being generally annoying while we were trying to pick through the loot. We're not going to just stand there and let you punch us to death.

We're neutral with the elves and the raiding stopped long before they moved out of that town.
06-03-2012, 15:54,
Post: #175
RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
I'm not going to say raids should be forced upon people, or their resources should go to the most active PvPers on the server. However, if you are trying to ban Lewis and Pwol just because their characters are violent and greedy, that's the wrong reason. To say that their character ruins RP through their warmongering is simply pathetic.

Nobody ever just said, oh, Hitler is being a dick - lets just not let him play with us.

The other nations had three general options:
- surrender, be abused, but less casualties and more freedom (in the case of Denmark)
- plant your feet, team up, fight back, put an end to his rule by returning the kickass (England, USA, Russia)
- whine and bitch a lot because you can't fight worth crap (France)
(may not be utterly historically accurate, but it's a good metaphor)

Promethia (with several prominent exceptions) is generally being France right now.

The accusations of constant raiding is a matter of opinion to most extents, if you say you don't have time to build up between raids of their you really can't be working that hard. It takes an average of a half hour to mine iron armour for 4 people, and Riskae has enough diamonds stocked up in his shops. You aren't poor, or utterly hopeless - stop fooling yourselves.

Promethia supposedly has over 40 civilians - if you can honestly tell me that a group of five players can raid this massive nation to the point of having to ban then, you may want to re-access the player base you have to begin with.

In direction towards raiding without permission - the raids yesterday were based off of the listening in on an apparent plot against Solitude. If breaking into and killing the enemy leaders plotting against you doesn't count as a fitting RP/PvP situation, I really don't know what does. They were raided in return by those they killed, retaliated, and were raided several times more by individuals from Promethia, causing more raids. Sounds pretty justified to me.

For the people complaining about 'continuous minor grief', menial blocks here and there mean nothing. If it was glowstone, or glass, or something not-instantly replaceable with the most minute amount of effort it would be different - but honestly trying to remove somebody from the server permanently for it is pathetic.

[Image: britgif.gif]
06-03-2012, 15:55,
Post: #176
RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
They have been many a time when Sahure was unarmed, said hello, and was stabbed in the back. Even by you Ian.
06-03-2012, 15:57, (This post was last modified: 06-03-2012, 15:57 by Ian25.)
Post: #177
RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
(06-03-2012, 15:55)iDieForEXP Wrote: They have been many a time when Sahure was unarmed, said hello, and was stabbed in the back. Even by you Ian.

Not sure what you're trying to say here WaitAMinute
Just a re-post for others to see (crash truly has a way with words):

I'm not going to say raids should be forced upon people, or their resources should go to the most active PvPers on the server. However, if you are trying to ban Lewis and Pwol just because their characters are violent and greedy, that's the wrong reason. To say that their character ruins RP through their warmongering is simply pathetic.

Nobody ever just said, oh, Hitler is being a dick - lets just not let him play with us.

The other nations had three general options:
- surrender, be abused, but less casualties and more freedom (in the case of Denmark)
- plant your feet, team up, fight back, put an end to his rule by returning the kickass (England, USA, Russia)
- whine and bitch a lot because you can't fight worth crap (France)
(may not be utterly historically accurate, but it's a good metaphor)

Promethia (with several prominent exceptions) is generally being France right now.

The accusations of constant raiding is a matter of opinion to most extents, if you say you don't have time to build up between raids of their you really can't be working that hard. It takes an average of a half hour to mine iron armour for 4 people, and Riskae has enough diamonds stocked up in his shops. You aren't poor, or utterly hopeless - stop fooling yourselves.

Promethia supposedly has over 40 civilians - if you can honestly tell me that a group of five players can raid this massive nation to the point of having to ban then, you may want to re-access the player base you have to begin with.

In direction towards raiding without permission - the raids yesterday were based off of the listening in on an apparent plot against Solitude. If breaking into and killing the enemy leaders plotting against you doesn't count as a fitting RP/PvP situation, I really don't know what does. They were raided in return by those they killed, retaliated, and were raided several times more by individuals from Promethia, causing more raids. Sounds pretty justified to me.

For the people complaining about 'continuous minor grief', menial blocks here and there mean nothing. If it was glowstone, or glass, or something not-instantly replaceable with the most minute amount of effort it would be different - but honestly trying to remove somebody from the server permanently for it is pathetic.
06-03-2012, 15:58,
Post: #178
RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
(06-03-2012, 15:52)Ian25 Wrote: "Tactics of attacking unarmed people." - wtf, only if you consider iron armour and a diamond sword charging at us is unarmed.
've been killed time after time where I'm completely unarmed. Just because we've had a few times were we've been armed doesn't mean that it was the majority of the times.
You kept punching us and being generally annoying while we were trying to pick through the loot. We're not going to just stand there and let you punch us to death.
Maybe you should raid like normal people and try to find the stuff with the slightest amount of stealth. You are clearlu doing it wrong, I've gone through your stuff while unarmed while you guys were unarmed, certainly you can reverse the situation.
We're neutral with the elves and the raiding stopped long before they moved out of that town.
That second part is false and you know it.

Leech: Moderating the wiki for over 75 years
[Image: QZj44.gif]
06-03-2012, 15:59,
Post: #179
RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
And Crash. Your Hitler analogy doesn't work. Hitler existed in real life, and therefore he couldn't be excluded from any games. Minecraft is a game in which you have fun. If hitler had been in minecraft sure as hell he would've been banned.
06-03-2012, 16:00,
Post: #180
RE: Ban Request: Nlewis, Pwolbart, Connor and Co
(06-03-2012, 15:47)Leech Wrote: Members of Solitude, nobody enjoys the wars you are pulling us into on a regular basis, except for yourselves. Your tactics of attacking unarmed people in towns rather than armed people in the field of battle is appalling, and is most certainly despised by most people. I've had many friends say "Tell me when the war is over or when they're banned, because I can't take their shit anymore." Your wars cause production (and enjoyment of the game) to come to a standstill. I remember attempting to build my walls, when you guys came time after time, killing me, with nothing on me other than a couple stacks of stone slab. I doubt you had a use for it. The only reason you had to kill me was that I was there, and soon I knew I couldn't build anymore, until something changed. It was a sickening feeling, knowing I couldn't build in a building game. And many people had the same problems. Look at the Elves. They were so tired of your raids, they abandoned their town to go into hiding. People poured their hearts into that, and it was yanked away from them by you. Simply because you clearly prefer PvP over RP. There's a balance between RP and PvP. Well, you clearly ran off of the scales to go kill somebody, because balanced, you are not. You've only made peace with the people Crash told you to make peace with, and their not even at peace with you anymore. You're practically at war with everyone. Your contribution to the server, is war. That's all you've brought. War, and the suffering of those you declare war on. You ask for people to fight back, but the reason they can't is because you demoralize their citizens to the point of not wanting to play anymore. And, with that happening, why should you be here? Because you can act the "villain?" You're gonna need a hell of a lot more than that to compensate what you've done. In recap: You've done little more than warmonger, you warmonger in a way that makes people want to leave, and you are wrecking player experience.

Good story, but from somebody who told me to watch my adjectives when writing, I think you're exaggerating a bit. They have done plenty to RP - several conferences, confrontations, (hell they've even built a nice town), and random conversations all for the purpose of RP. To say they have contributed nothing but war is a blatant lie.

[Image: britgif.gif]

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