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Epic Moments of Roleplaying Epicness!
04-11-2011, 04:11,
Post: #1
Epic Moments of Roleplaying Epicness!
I'm starting a series on my YouTube channel called "Epic Moments of Roleplaying Epicness" where I post awesome things that happened while roleplaying on Kiwike. I have one episode posted and another ready to be edited, and I plan to make many more in the future! Here is the link:


04-11-2011, 12:02,
Post: #2
RE: Epic Moments of Roleplaying Epicness!
Wow, wish I was there at the time.
04-11-2011, 12:28,
Post: #3
RE: Epic Moments of Roleplaying Epicness!
Heeeeyy, I remember that. That was fun Smiley

"One can concentrate so closely on the words of a sentence that one thereby misses the meaning. As can happen in any area of life. You must never lose focus on the larger landscape."
04-12-2011, 17:44,
Post: #4
RE: Epic Moments of Roleplaying Epicness!
I like it. I especially like that there is also roleplaying going on in the background (Tristo, andy, and myself.) lol. Pretty sweet. Thanks for uploading.

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