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Mac computers
11-06-2012, 02:45,
Post: #11
RE: Mac computers
(11-06-2012, 01:54)sethd13 Wrote: I have an 06 imac i run minecraft on lowest everything with 60fps on short-normal My 2012 Hp runs it with 400 at the highest, on far. Macs are better at EVERYTHING, EXCEPT for gaming. They are better for the average person.

No... just no... Poker face


11-06-2012, 04:24,
Post: #12
RE: Mac computers
there are 3 different statements in that, more specificity plox?

(08-21-2012, 03:16)Cerce Wrote: Molesting children is just a bonus.
11-06-2012, 05:33,
Post: #13
RE: Mac computers
Anyone who says Macs suck have either never used one, or is a hardcore gamer.

There is a lot more reasons to get a Mac than for gaming, and honestly, I would never buy a PC for gaming. I just can't do it. Windows os sucks so badly, I can't stand using it. I have my xbox for shooters and rpg's, I have my Mac for minecraft and rts games.

The new Macs are actually amazing for gaming, minus the compatibility issue. The hardware is all there though, they could easily run a game on all high/extreme.

With Macs your paying for something that will last. Every PC we have owned has been a piece of shit. My brother and sister both own $800 PC's, and they hate them. My sisters broke after two months of having it, my brothers got some virus and has had some harddrive issues. Then there is the OS, they have had so many stupid issues that would never happen on a Mac.

If your parents are looking at Macs, they would most certainly be happier with one. We have had Apple computers since 2001, and we still have the first 2001 iMac. You can plug it in and use it today. I'm using an almost 5 year old iMac and I can run Starcraft II/Diablo III on medium/high settings, or host a server (with 3gb) and play minecraft on medium distance at the same time.

Most people will hate on them, but really, they are not that bad. Even my video game design teacher who has skipped school to play WoW WotLK on the release day and gotten minecraft unblocked from the school wifi prefers Macs for everything besides gaming. He doesnt hate on Macs, he loves them. (Yah he got minecraft unblocked from school, and is hosting a tekkit server for all of his students from a server computer he bought a few weeks ago just for the minecraft server, what a bad ass teacher right? one downside. He gives us hard tests over java Sad

11-06-2012, 05:51,
Post: #14
RE: Mac computers
(11-06-2012, 05:33)asdfasdflkjty911 Wrote: Anyone who says Macs suck have either never used one, or is a hardcore gamer.

I say Macs suck. I've used multiple over the last 10 years. I'm not a hardcore gamer (I use Linux...)
11-06-2012, 06:29,
Post: #15
RE: Mac computers
Your point on how macs last longer is invalid. The computer that I currently (figuratively, since I know someone will point out that Im punished xD) use has lasted three generations of use getting passed from my grandfather to me. It runs windows xp relatively well for its age. It runs on an Intel Centrino, if youve ever heard of that, and is from the year 2002. Oh did I mention its a laptop? Made by Compaq? Dang I love that thing. I get a whopping 7 fps on average tiny/short render, but the fact it can run minecraft is cool enough.
11-06-2012, 06:41,
Post: #16
RE: Mac computers
My point remains the same and is still very valid. Just because ones simple 02 laptop still runs doesn't mean there havnt been any issues with it. I'm sure that little runner has had its share of issues. Macs don't need to be defragged every month, you dont have worry about how drastically they are going to change the next version of your os, you dont have to worry about changing your parts every year.

11-06-2012, 06:44,
Post: #17
RE: Mac computers
They are just tons simpler.

(08-21-2012, 03:16)Cerce Wrote: Molesting children is just a bonus.
11-06-2012, 06:56,
Post: #18
RE: Mac computers
(11-06-2012, 05:33)asdfasdflkjty911 Wrote: My brother and sister both own $800 PC's, and they hate them

I can guarantee you that they'd hate an $800 Mac more.

11-06-2012, 09:09, (This post was last modified: 11-06-2012, 09:16 by bvcxzmn.)
Post: #19
RE: Mac computers
Do they even make $800 macs?

Macs are so enormously overpriced for half decent hardware. The best graphics card they offer on their most powerful computer is an ATI Radeon HD 5870, a two generation old midline graphics card, and that's only if you are willing to pay a whopping $2700 for it. $2700 for a midline gaming computer, and mid-high end computer all around. Even Ailenware offers a more than equivalent computer for a mere $1500, and even they are way overpriced! I was able to build my current PC, a high end beast of a computer with high-mid end CPU, best of the best GPU, high quality monitor, keyboard/mouse, OS, and headset for a total of $1500. Almost half the price of the MAC shown above for a computer that more than easily outperforms anything Apple has to offer, by a factor of like 3x. Now if you look at that, the math doesn't really add up all too well. So, if macs were just a little better than PCs, or lasted a little longer, it still wouldn't be worth buying one in the slightest. However, to claim that MACs are better than PCs is to claim a specific brand of SUV is better than all cars. It simply doesn't work like that. There are bound to be sucky cars, ones that are designed to be the baseline. They are usually very cheap and most likely won't last long or perform very well. However, there are also the Ferraris, and Porsches, and even Nascars that outperform, outlast, and are all around better and more reliable than that specific brand of SUV. Now, that would be fine and all, if the medium quality brand of SUV wasn't as expensive as a nice Ferrari. Then it just gets stupid. The only reason Apple is able to sell as well as it has is because Apple has lots of really good and smart marketing people. They are able to advertise it as the best and greatest in the world, when they are really talking out of their butts. For example, the iPhone 5 sold massively around the world. Millions of people ditched their old iPhone 4 for the "newest and greatest", but what did it really offer? A little bit larger screen and slightly improved voice recognition software. That's about it. Do you know why these people payed so much money for such a small improvement? Because Apple is able to make it seem like every time they do something it is a great revolution and is better than anything else. Well, you know what, it's not. Finally, if you claim that the windows OS sucks, then you are ignorant and closed minded. I will certainly say that Windows is better than the MAC OS X, but I will not go into that because the difference in quality of the software is not something that I feel is as extreme as the other things. I feel very strongly about the things I have said and truly think that MACs are in no way better than PCs. Their cost is absurd and their quality is not something to compare. It is silly to ever purchase a MAC.

I apologize for ranting and digress.


11-06-2012, 11:20,
Post: #20
RE: Mac computers
Let's not continue this. The question was answered already.


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