Hello There, Guest!
*Classified Ad Posted in Mavenholm*
04-13-2011, 22:58,
Post: #1
*Classified Ad Posted in Mavenholm*
The Roadbuilders seek an experienced Farm Hand to maintain the New Haven Retreat. Room and Board will be provided.

Duties include:

Harvesting Wheat/Cactus/Cane
Replanting Fields as Needed
Sheering Sheep
Milking Cows
Mowing the Grass
Basic Farm Up-keep

Experience with Bow and Arrow a plus.

You will be granted access to the abundant mine/cave system as well as 3 Gold pieces per week of employ. Half of all crop yields and half profits from the sale of goods at market are also included.

All applicants must be trustworthy and neutral in affiliations. Nomads are encouraged to apply.

Leave your Mark and a roadbuilder will find you.

-Master Stone Cutter-
-The Roadbuilders-
04-14-2011, 03:02,
Post: #2
RE: *Classified Ad Posted in Mavenholm*
A familiar-looking wolf sprints over the crest of a nearby hill. You can make out the shape of a piece of paper wrapped in a cloth tucked within its collar. When it reaches you, it sits and tilts its head to reveal the package. The note reads:

It is I, geckosquid, once again. The nation that I am part of (Tullius) requires gold bars in order to prosper, and this job seems like an excellent way to earn those. It saddens me that the old lands of Kiwike were overrun by the Griefer virus, for that prevented me from aiding you in the excavation of The Quarry; I hope that work is made up at least in part by taking up this job. If you send me the directions to said farm back with my wolf, I will waste no time in getting there.

May the One be with you,

04-14-2011, 14:12, (This post was last modified: 04-14-2011, 14:13 by Kubrickb.)
Post: #3
RE: *Classified Ad Posted in Mavenholm*
Kubrick chuckles at the sight of the dog, "You again, friend! I see you and your master with the interesting name made it safely to the New Lands."
The tired stone-cutter takes the goose feather in his sore hands and pens a response.


I am pleased you and your wolf-hound made it safely across the void. Do not worry yourself with unaccomplished goals of the old lands. We are here now and that is reason to be joyous on the path. I must be secretive with the location of the retreat, but I am excited to finally have a visitor. I will dispatch a pigeon with the coordinates as soon the sun rises!

Roadbuilder Kubrick

-Master Stone Cutter-
-The Roadbuilders-
04-14-2011, 16:41, (This post was last modified: 04-14-2011, 19:15 by ZupZup.)
Post: #4
RE: *Classified Ad Posted in Mavenholm*
*Attached to the red collar of a happy looking wolf.*
Dear Kubrickb,
I have seen your advertisement in the city of Mavenholm and I am looking for a job to earn a bit of gold, I am wondering if you have any jobs open for a nomad of the wild?
From, ZupZup.
P.S. I have sword training and Bow training.

PP.S.Attach a message to my wolf and whistle to him and he will come back to me.
04-14-2011, 17:07,
Post: #5
RE: *Classified Ad Posted in Mavenholm*
"It seems that Mavenholm is indeed the place to post HELP WANTED signs." Kubrick mused. "The second Carrier-Hound in just a few hours of each other, interesting! What curious names the people of Kiwike hold". Kubrick lights his pipe and begins a letter.


I am indeed still filling positions, here at the retreat. I myself am a bit of a nomad, but have found solace here, in-between my duties as a Roadbuilder. I will send a pigeon with where we shall meet. I suggest that you start your journey in Mavenholm. You will need to pay for your own passage here, I suggest purchasing a small boat from the shipyard. Bring only what you need for the journey the rest I shall provide. I will need one references, in which I may contact, for the security of the Retreat and my own peace of mind.

Kubrick of the Road

Kubrick seals the letter in Wax. After feeding the wolf he does his best to whistle. With a bit of effort he finally does and the WOlf-hound speeds off over the hills.

-Master Stone Cutter-
-The Roadbuilders-
04-14-2011, 18:17,
Post: #6
RE: *Classified Ad Posted in Mavenholm*
*Sends the dog back one more time with a note tucked carefully into his collar.*
Good to hear so, as my reference you may ask my friend, Leeroythezombie. He is a member of Helvanthar.
04-14-2011, 19:14,
Post: #7
RE: *Classified Ad Posted in Mavenholm*
"I hope this Zupzup is a creature of integrity, and honor. Hard traits to find in these unforgiving lands." Kubrick says to noone at all, as he releases the pigeon.

-Master Stone Cutter-
-The Roadbuilders-
04-14-2011, 19:41, (This post was last modified: 04-14-2011, 19:48 by Cell.)
Post: #8
RE: *Classified Ad Posted in Mavenholm*
*As Kubrick is Resting, a Very strange, Sweaty, and Seemingly tired Man comes running up, And you do not recognize him.*
*He Hands You a Letter, and Takes off running without any response of any kind, into the horizon.

*The letter Seems as though it was made in a rush, But you are able to make out the handwriting, It reads*

Dear Kubrick,
What a pleasure it would be to see you again, and to help would be an honor, but i am disappointed to tell you that i am in no condition to work.
I have heard the rumor of you wanting an employee, and thought "The least i can do is help" so here it is. I am currently in construction of my new found
town, Nosaka, and at the same time, war is approaching in but a few days. Therefor, i cannot help, and cannot send a Pup with a letter, as they are my
guardian and saviors. And what a shame it is as they have taken a fond liking of you in your time in Bludwick, but i'm getting off topic, and i need to make
this fast, as i fear war is closer then expected. Since i am in construction at the moment, i have made sure of the necessary gathering of minerals, and stone,
and with this i offer you this. For your help in Bludwick, and in Tows soon to come, I can supply you with needed resources as they are needed, wether for your
farm to come, or for future projects of yours. I am eternaly grateful for the weight you have taken off of me, and my fellow people, by building this road, as
mountain climbing has taken many of our loved ones... Therefore i give you this offer, and will supply you for as long as i can, but i must go now, and prepare
for the future.
Best of Wishes,
Narazkaly (Cell)
04-19-2011, 19:43,
Post: #9
RE: *Classified Ad Posted in Mavenholm*
*As Kubrick goes about his daily business, an eagle swoops out of the sky with a note attached to his foot.*

*The letter is of poor quality ink and paper, but the penmanship is very good.*

"Dear Kubrick,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am Sarodinian, recent arrival to this land from parts unknown along with my associate Zoran. Having seen your ad for work in Mavenholm, we are quite interested in joining your operation. The both of us are hard workers and we would be delighted to participate in this venture. We are glad your offer includes room and board, for the two of us have spent everything we had in transit to this land, in fact we barely managed to scrape together the fee for this messenger hawk. Please, get back to us soon, we will be doing various odd jobs in Mavenholm until then.


PS: My associate is much more skilled with weaponry than I am, but I am certainly able to wield sword and bow if necessary."
04-19-2011, 20:03,
Post: #10
RE: *Classified Ad Posted in Mavenholm*
While making his way from the libraries of Mavenholm, Kubrick spots an eagle fast approaching. He curses under his breath.
"If this is more road work I am blessed, but I am cursed! More Roadbuilders are needed if I am to continue to keep up with this demand." he says to the approaching bird.

After reading the letter from the New-Comer, he breathes a sigh of relief and the tension eases from his shoulders. "Since ZupZup left Haven, I have had no help at the Retreat. These two could not come at a better time." he chimes to the hawk sitting on his shoulder. "If they show the right stuff, maybe I can convince them of the nobleness of the Road!"

He uses the same parchment and simple writes.


and directions to New Haven.

-Master Stone Cutter-
-The Roadbuilders-

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