There was a bit of an argument in the staff. Some claimed that should Android be given full access to the server, all our problems would be fixed easily.
So we decided to make a bet. Starting today, Android24557 will be given complete access to:
- Minecraft server database
- FTP to all the server folders
- Server console
And of course, he already has access to the forums, website and that kind of stuff.
Not only this, he will be the one making all the decisions as I, yottabyte, stay in the shadows and watch this little experiment play out.
Now to the fun part: the bet itself.
If, by the end of 2012, the following conditions are met, I will lose this bet:
- The server has an average of at least 10 players online every day in the last week of December
- We have received at least $120 in donations in December
If I lose, Android will continue to have
full access to everything and make the
final decisions.
If he should fail to meet these conditions,
bvcxzmn will gift me Farming Simulator 2013.
Let the experiment begin! :3