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McRobert's Cafe
04-25-2011, 14:58,
Post: #1
McRobert's Cafe
I am very pleased to announce both the opening and the consequent success of McRoberts Cafe.
We have opened two locations around Kiwike, one in Cornerstone, and our largest yet in Bludwick. We also have plans to open in two new locations, one being in Tullius, and also many possible kiosks in smaller cities and by the sides of roads.

We would also like to stress the fact that this cafe is not tied, allied, or enemies with any nation. It is completely 100% neutral, peaceful, and ready to serve any member of Kiwike who wishes to come by. Due to the recent warrings between nations, I, being a member of Cornerstone, will serve my duty to defend our nation, and attack our enemies. However, that still means that alone, I shall travel between the cities in order to restock and expand our many locations.

*Please note that the restaurant area of our Bludwick location is still under construction, with tables and chairs soon being installed.

McRobert's Cafe thanks you for your cooperation, and invites you to drop in and have a bite, because, after all, we are worth switching cafes for.
04-25-2011, 20:20,
Post: #2
RE: McRobert's Cafe
Hmm u say ur cafe is neutral but all profits go to you who is in Cornerstone and nlewis declared war so i dont think you, part of our waring nation should profit from bludwicks players.

My thoughts anyway since i sell food too in Bludwick hehe Tongue
04-26-2011, 00:54,
Post: #3
RE: McRobert's Cafe
I am outraged that Narazkaly and Fashionmonkey are threatening to shut my restaurant down in Bludwick.

1. Fashionmonkey, a sale has two seperate parts to it. Yes, I am the one making profit, but Helvans are the ones eating the food, therefore it is a win-win situation especially as you guys will need food for any wartime.

2. Fashionmonkey, I am disgusted by the fact that you try to gain total monopoly over the Bludwick food industry, simply by eliminating your opponents by force.

3. Narazkaly, I am astonished that you are threatening to take down my restaurant by force, abusing your power as temporary leader to act upon revenge for a raid that which we committed on Nosaka. If you want revenge, why not (try) to raid us?

4. I personally paid 20 Gold per lot in order to call the plot my own, upon take-down of my restaurant, I demand that 40 gold back in my hands.

Yottabyte and Android. I am imploring you to review the actions of Narazkaly and to understand my point of view. I have always stressed that my restaurant chain was neutral, and these people are abusing it. This is a personal plea, both to Android and Yottabyte to please help stop the atrocities committed to the McRobert's Cafe in Bludwick.

Thank You.
04-26-2011, 01:13,
Post: #4
RE: McRobert's Cafe
I'm not sure what Yotta has to do with this. But i am in fact not abusing my powers whatsoever.
I told you, since you have Raided the Helvanthar nation, that i wanted your cafe out of Bludwick.
This is because all fundings are going to Cornerstone, and you should not profit off of our nation.
This is my opinion, and mine only. Some may agree with me, and some may not.
I would not have had a problem with your Cafe if it wasn't you who raided Nosaka, and Bludwick, which is just asking for trouble.
I myself, have attempted to raid you with no avail because my computer cannot handle Big city's, and Most of the time the person who gets me is invisible.
I told you that i want'ed your shops out of Bludwick for the time being. If Android was to think otherwise you can put your shops right back in, no questions asked.
I said you could keep Your building in Bludwick until Android makes his decision.
If you refused to remove shops i would ask for special permission from Yotta, since it is on Bludwick grounds, to Remove your shop, Not to grief it.
Lastly, i would like to know how this is an abuse of the power i technically do not even have. I am no longer assistant of the current Helvanthar, as you can see, and to protect my nation, and try to give us the advantage, i wanted your shop gone.
Fashion wanted to straight out tear it down, ban or not, I did you a favor.
04-26-2011, 01:39,
Post: #5
RE: McRobert's Cafe
(04-26-2011, 01:13)Cell Wrote: 1. This is because all fundings are going to Cornerstone, and you should not profit off of our nation.
2. I myself, have attempted to raid you with no avail because my computer cannot handle Big city's, and Most of the time the person who gets me is invisible.
3. I told you that i want'ed your shops out of Bludwick for the time being. If Android was to think otherwise you can put your shops right back in, no questions asked.

1. WRONG All funds go to helping restock our current stores, and to expand future stores, like the one in Cencus. Cencus, unlike you, fully understands that although I am from Cornerstone, the future store there will be neutral.

2. Sounds like a personal problem to me, so don't go and make other forms of revenge like taking down my restaurant.

3. Android specifically, after a long time of pondering, allowed me to build the flagship store outside of Bludwick walls. That being said, after his personal approval and agreeing of the terms (Restaurant = Neutral) I bought the two plots from him for 20 gold apiece.
04-26-2011, 01:50,
Post: #6
RE: McRobert's Cafe
And like i said before.

1. No one has shops just to restock them. You are making some sort of profit off of it wether you will admit it or not.
2. They may approve of you, but i do not, and your the one who suggested i raid you, that was my response.
3. I am not android, and i told you before many times, take it up with him when he gets back.

As far as i'm concerned, you raided this nation, so you do not deserve any special treatment whatsoever.
04-26-2011, 02:25,
Post: #7
RE: McRobert's Cafe
Holy crap, Nara, you stick it to him..
04-26-2011, 02:31,
Post: #8
RE: McRobert's Cafe
Spammuff, are you even part of the server anymore? Get outa here Spamm.

I fully support the decision of Robert to keep his shops. Our town has not profited from any of his shops.

My 1 cent,

04-26-2011, 02:32,
Post: #9
RE: McRobert's Cafe
(04-26-2011, 01:50)Cell Wrote: And like i said before.

1. No one has shops just to restock them. You are making some sort of profit off of it wether you will admit it or not.
2. They may approve of you, but i do not, and your the one who suggested i raid you, that was my response.
3. I am not android, and i told you before many times, take it up with him when he gets back.

As far as i'm concerned, you raided this nation, so you do not deserve any special treatment whatsoever.

1. Believe it or not, my profits are very slim at my Bludwick location. In fact, I keep it up in order to be able to call my restaurant chain international. There needs to be at least something that all these nations have in common, even if it is just a cafe. How many times have you gone to a foreign country and asked whether they have a (insert favourite fast food chain here) in the the area?

2. If you choose to raid us, that does not mean you yourself needs to raid, you could simply lead the attack and stay a distance. BTW the invisibility glitch can be solved by a quick discon-recon.

3. Then why not this. I do not touch my store in Bludwick for now. That means no restocks, no extensions, nothing. If Android decides that the store needs to go, then you give me my 40 gold, I pack up, and I leave.


4. I hope that you realize that I am the least in accordance with the recent conflicts between the nations. I opposed it greatly. Me taking part in the raids was an act of duty, not an act of choice. In WWII, conscription meant that you had to fight for your country, regardless of your beliefs. This is very similar.

5. In the raids of NoSaka, however, that you are so enraged about, we went in, killed you, and only you, a few times, did not take anything (to my knowledge) and left immediately. Your grudge towards me commenced when I shot you with 1 (one) arrow, which turned out to be the last straw and killed you.


On a more personal note, however, is this bickering really what it has come down to? Do you not remember the fun times we had together on old Kiwike raiding Alphonse's castle? You were new at that time on Kiwike, and I helped you, gave you items, and we went to raid them. Of course the raid failed, but it was still fun was it not? I know it is one of my fondest memories of Kiwike for sure.
04-26-2011, 02:48, (This post was last modified: 04-26-2011, 02:51 by Cell.)
Post: #10
RE: McRobert's Cafe
I have no problem with the Raids of Nosaka. But let me continue on my Comebacks

1. If you have almost no profits in the Bludwick area, why fight about it.

2. The Relog does not help if i am already dead. And if i choose to raid you, you would know, as no leader sits behind.

3. And no, for the last time. I said no exceptions, i want your store gone. If android says you can put it back up, you can by all means, but for now, i want it gone, no questions, no exceptions.

4. If you are of least accordance, then why raid. This has nothing to do with the conflict of the recent World war. It is not a draft. As in World War 2 you got dragged into the battle, and if you refused, you where put under arrest.
While this is a game, leave the nation, tell them no, if they force you, that is not my fault. Either way you still raided.

5. I am enraged about the raid on Nosaka. You killed me plenty of times, spawn killing me. You would feel the same if your town was wiped of resources and you where spawn killed. When you experience that word for word, then you can come complaining about my anger.

And On the personal note, i was not new on Kiwike. I have been playing Kiwike for about a month on the Sketchington server, i was working on a town of the name Olympus. I was not new to Kiwike at the time. Anything else, was for the raiding, you went to the other nation, and then raided me, and my nation.

What i am enraged about, and what i bickering about, is how your nation is dissing me for trying to rule a nation for one week, without war, and chaos has erupted. Bludwick fallen, raided, attacked, war. All in a week. Because of this i am getting tons of horrible comments from your nation about my leading skills, and i'm not quite fond of it one bit.

Finally, I am done with this Flame fest. I request that you get rid of your shops in Bludwick as soon as possible, and do not stall until Droid gets on. These terms are as follows
You get rid of your shops.
When droid returns, you may go to him and complain as much as you want, without me interfering one bit, and his decision goes.
Those are the terms i present to you, accept them or not, i would like the Mcrobert Cafe out of Bludwick.

(Scratch that, to get this Over with. I will personally board up your shop. not damage anything, just place blocks over the door and Windows. Then Droid can decide, Flaming is done with.)

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