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Movecraft Plugin Suggestion
05-08-2011, 12:33,
Post: #1
Movecraft Plugin Suggestion

I was wondering if this server could install the Movecraft Plugin.
Basicly if you have built an airship say like a ship with a huge baloon on top of it has to be 60% wool. You can Actually fly it. you write /airship pilot and then when your on. simply just right click at a direction to go there.

I brought it up on the global chat and everyone seems to like it!

Here are some nice pictures of airships =) We Hope you add this plugin =)
[Image: minecraft+air+ship+terminal.jpg]


[Image: minecraft-wallpaper-airship1-e1296380627197.jpg]

05-08-2011, 14:36,
Post: #2
RE: Movecraft Plugin Suggestion
This message is 100% Kyga improved!
Id LOVE to have this mod it would enable me to create my dream of having a boat house that actually sailed!
05-08-2011, 15:28,
Post: #3
RE: Movecraft Plugin Suggestion
This mod would be awesome to have on the server!

05-08-2011, 15:29,
Post: #4
RE: Movecraft Plugin Suggestion
I'm glad you agree with me =)
05-08-2011, 15:31,
Post: #5
RE: Movecraft Plugin Suggestion
I saw yotta browsing this thread earlier Laugh!!!
Maybe he's thinking about it!
05-08-2011, 15:38,
Post: #6
RE: Movecraft Plugin Suggestion
This, would add a huge roleplaying feature to the game.
There may be some that would have to be disseabled in my opinion.
But having airships, and actualy Boats that you can have would add huge trade to port towns and so on.
But, after looking this over, i think it might cause some lag, and might have to be tested before you actually implement it into the server.
05-08-2011, 15:52,
Post: #7
RE: Movecraft Plugin Suggestion
I have been playing on server with this plugin, with over 15 players flying there were No lagg at all. But my opinion is that if we are gonna have this plugin we have to make a license type. Like driving school or something. Like for Ship license it might cost lets say 50 gold. For airship maybe 100 gold. Just for an example
05-08-2011, 16:22,
Post: #8
RE: Movecraft Plugin Suggestion
First off, this would be limited to airships and normal ships. UFOs and cars are way too off.

I don't really like this plugin though. Having things move in only one direction seems kinda weird. I don't know.

I love the idea of bigger ships and all...

05-08-2011, 16:33,
Post: #9
RE: Movecraft Plugin Suggestion
Who said they can only move in one direction? u righ click where u want to go, they can go back forward left right North-east North-west and so on...
05-08-2011, 16:51,
Post: #10
RE: Movecraft Plugin Suggestion
But they don't turn, it looks weird.

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