RE: Vip doors and doors
On this topic, recently our guild was again raided and we were robed of about 20blocks of diamond some gold-blocks some iron and some sulfur. I know exactly who raided us and am fairly certain where they put it but the places where they put it are in accessible due to towny and or shop protections. This is ridiculous, if they get magic god-powers to protect their stuff they why don't we?
My understanding is that block protection is for the purpose of preventing people from leveling a whole town, not for providing unbreakable safes made of dirt. There needs to be some kind of way for thieves to remove blocks if they are not griefing. Perhaps as I recommended above making it a donation thing, perhaps allowing a limited number of blocks to be removed in a single day (no griefer is going to cause much damage only being able to remove say 20 blocks over the course of a day). Something needs to change however, and preferably sooner rather than later.
I am 100% fine with people being able to steal from the guild. What I am not fine with is that it is actually impossible for us to steal it back. For example there are shops that I have encountered INSIDE THE WALLS of Nosaka, yes that is right, we are just tunneling into nosaka and we come across a shop selling diamonds for 9 gold and the shop is hidden inside the walls. This is ridiculous. There needs to be a way for us to steal things back or some kind of limit on the degree of protection towny provides. In real life there is no magic spell you can say so that an "outsider" cannot break a window and get into your house, this protection doesn't exist in vanilla minecraft it's only there when game-crippling plugins like towny are enabled that change the way minecraft is meant to be played and they change it for the worse. The main reason I joined this server is because thieving was supposed to be allowed. Apparently that is not the case? Perhaps we should clarify somewhere that "Thieving is allowed but it is also impossible."