Hello There, Guest!
*Posted in a tavern in Mavenholm*
05-24-2011, 23:19,
Post: #1
*Posted in a tavern in Mavenholm*
Greetings dear reader!
I am MainDigger and i want to ask you a question.
Are you in need of a extra pair of hands? Another man to lighten your heavy burden?
Look no further! Since i have not heard from the mayor of Venezia for quite a while i thought that there will be no town.
So, now i am nomad. Wich i dont like at all.
I am willing to work for shelter and good company.
I got quite a large quantity of experience with warfare and working in mines.
I am a honorary man. Are you?
Contact me by leaving your answer to the bartender and i will get it the next time i drop by.

Sir Main Digh

((Off character: I have been away for two weeks now. I have had a lot of homework.
So i thought that this might be my chance to try again. Now i got no connections to any nation what so ever. I really want to join a RP'ing community with fun (and active) people. I have no huge amount of RP'ing experience but i am eager to learn more.))

RIP Virus Signature
05-24-2011, 23:26,
Post: #2
RE: *Posted in a tavern in Mavenholm*
((Id be happy to have you over to my castle in New Have. Kyga and The Creator are there too. Plus, New Haven is the first RP only town, and I could use some help around the castle. Ill be on in anywhere from 20 minutes or 2 hours, or catch me some other time in game.

"One can concentrate so closely on the words of a sentence that one thereby misses the meaning. As can happen in any area of life. You must never lose focus on the larger landscape."
05-24-2011, 23:31,
Post: #3
RE: *Posted in a tavern in Mavenholm*
Another post its put over yours.
The elves have returned!
We are looking for workers to work on the city of rivendale!
People who come will get great hospitality and a lot!

[Image: kLeN8.png]

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