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Goodbye Kiwike
06-01-2011, 01:09,
Post: #31
RE: Goodbye Kiwike
(06-01-2011, 01:03)StayPuff Wrote:
(05-31-2011, 22:40)granite123 Wrote: That is my biggest peeve is when i spend my time writing a wall of text and in response this:

(05-31-2011, 22:37)StayPuff Wrote: This.

This. Troll

[Image: 71079_166176223435_849592_n.jpg]
06-01-2011, 02:49,
Post: #32
RE: Goodbye Kiwike
(06-01-2011, 01:09)granite123 Wrote:
(06-01-2011, 01:03)StayPuff Wrote:
(05-31-2011, 22:40)granite123 Wrote: That is my biggest peeve is when i spend my time writing a wall of text and in response this:

(05-31-2011, 22:37)StayPuff Wrote: This.


This. Troll

[Image: 71079_166176223435_849592_n.jpg]

06-01-2011, 02:53,
Post: #33
RE: Goodbye Kiwike
i miss you

[Image: kLeN8.png]
06-07-2011, 05:34,
Post: #34
RE: Goodbye Kiwike
Come on, Sun, you know you want New Nosaka to be as much of a challenge for your guild as the Old Nosaka!

[Image: eJw9ybEKg1AMBdA9X3HxA4QKFpyKU5FCHZ0DxvcE...EFZSLI.png]
06-07-2011, 05:45,
Post: #35
RE: Goodbye Kiwike
Tell them if they dont loosen the reigns that you will go for full D's and mean it.

That will give the the kick up the ass they needed and let you relax and study in your own time lol.

GL in school dude.
06-07-2011, 06:45,
Post: #36
RE: Goodbye Kiwike
(06-07-2011, 05:34)loremaster96 Wrote: Come on, Sun, you know you want New Nosaka to be as much of a challenge for your guild as the Old Nosaka!

Only reason old nosaka was a challenge was towny, I've got screen-shots of more than a dozen "hidden" chests and basements along with raiding routes that were to be used if towny ever fell. If we could destroy blocks in towns people would actually have to use their heads for a change. We were also getting a few people lined up as double agents for Nosaka, of course double agents are completely worthless as people can use VIP plots to make regions where they are the only person with build rights and thus have 100% protection without doing any work to achieve it.

06-07-2011, 13:13, (This post was last modified: 06-07-2011, 13:14 by Pwol.)
Post: #37
RE: Goodbye Kiwike
Sun, stop whining about the plots, it is quite annoying now..... You have robbed enough
06-07-2011, 14:57,
Post: #38
RE: Goodbye Kiwike
For once i agree with pete, Stop whining, nothing will change,
And yes, i do think you have stole enough,
06-07-2011, 15:58,
Post: #39
RE: Goodbye Kiwike
(06-07-2011, 14:57)Spammuff Wrote: For once i agree with pete, Stop whining, nothing will change,
And yes, i do think you have stole enough,

Why won't anything change? Stealing is allowed on thus server, it should also be possible, chest protection is not allowed on this server it should not be possible. I am 100% ok with NORMAL block protection where all the residents of a particular town can destroy blocks in that town, even though this is not very realistic in terms of RP (IRL: I'm a resident of Boston and can use a shovel wherever I want (sure I might get in trouble for it, but at least it is possible) I could also drive over to Toronto, take out my shovel and start digging there, there is no block protection IRL). Despite the fact that block protection is actually impossible I think that some block protection is ok (it's a reason to inhabit cities instead of being a nomad). However, from my understanding cities are supposed to have at least 3 residents. When you set up your own plot where you control permissions you are effectively creating a 1 person city. It's not only a question of "having stolen enough" just because my guild is successful does NOT justify a game-breaking chest-protection mod existing. I have yet to hear any good reason why VIP plots should be allowed on Kiwike and I challenge someone to give me a response about how VIP plots are part of kiwike minecraft if we assume the following truths about kiwike (all of these can be found on the whitelist post):
1) Kiwike is an RP server
2) No chest protection, we love raids
3) Towns require 3 people to create

Finally does everyone agree that shops selling 1 item for 99999999G are against the rules? Yes? Good. Are they against the rules because they look ugly or are they against the rules because they provide unbreakable item storage? How exactly are these shops different than towny plots? Yes, it is free to set up a shop, it is also free to create a towny plot. Mayors can set the price to whatever they want and the money all goes into the town bank where the player can get it back in the form of extended protection (5G a day) or if that player is the town mayor the plot is free.
If a player were to put shops selling 1 Diamond for 9999999G on his VIP plot would that be ok? The item protection is no different if the player puts a shop sign over his chest or if the player puts a block of dirt. In both cases the player is THE ONLY PERSON who can open the chest. 100% chest protection on a server that claims "no chest protection".

It's not that hard to hide and secure your stuff, all you have to do is follow the tutorial here on the forums, learn to build a trap or spend more than 2 seconds sticking a block of dirt on your chest. I know that one of our guild members who was a former resident of Vitellius managed to recover 40 diamonds from his hidden chests yesterday. If you have seen the Vitellius ruins the entire place has been destroyed and looted, however these chests were so well hidden that not even the dozens of looters managed to find either one. It's certainly possible to hide stuff very well with very little work.

Anyway, that's why I'm "whining" about town plots and that's why I will continue to do so until a change is implemented that fixes the problem. Feel free to rebut my arguments but please don't include the following irrelevant points in your rebutal:
1) I don't want my stuff stolen
2) Steal from nomads
3) I paid good gold for mah plot
4) I don't like your guild, they smell bad
5) Banker_Jake gets 100% protection and a pumpkin on his head, why don't I?
6) Your guild is rich so you shouldn't complain

Since inevitably this is going to be the substance of all the pro-VIP replies I'm going to answer them here preemptively, these arguments really do not warrant answers because they are irrelevant to the core discussion (is unlimited item protection ok) still I'm feeling generous so here are my responses:
1) Then you can hide your stuff or live in places where you trust your neighbors, the only people who should be able to destroy blocks in your house are fellow residents. Just don't live in the Kiwike Detroit if you don't want to deal with crime.
2) We do, that doesn't mean that we shouldn't be able to steal from you. You get more protection than a Nomad even without VIP plots, what are you so worried about?
3) You deposited gold into the town bank for your plot, you made a donation to the town so that your name could appear every time someone enters your plot. Your mayor or yourself still has all of the money you paid, it goes toward daily payments to keep your town running. You also got a larger-than-normal plots in exchange for your donation to the town funds. You were essentially given a plot which is taxed. Perhaps your mayor will refund your money, most of these towns can probably afford to.
4) We shower regularly and use deoderant made from the red roses of the fields in the far west. We smell beautiful so you have no choice but to like us.
5) Banker_Jake is an NPC, he is also an honorary guild member. If you want a pumpkin hat you should buy them from Fashionmonkeys shop in bludwick or from any shop dealing in large vegetables.
6) The Knights are not about wealth, wealth is a by-product of the guild operations. We like challenges, solving traps, finding hidden chests, planning raids and enjoying the thrill of theft and pvp. It's not a question of how rich we are it's a question of how possible it is for us to continue to RP in the way we enjoy.
(Sorry for any typos this was pecked out on my cell-phone, the arguments are still valid).

06-07-2011, 20:45,
Post: #40
RE: Goodbye Kiwike
Off-topic much?

[Image: 1fhaqh.png]

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