06-07-2011, 05:27,
Redstone Miner
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The Moderator Rules as i see it is that they can use their given powers and commands to Moderate the Server, and not use them for personal gain IE:
Warping to another player just to be closer to a Town,
Warping to another player just to be closer to a shop where they want to buy an Item
Warping for simple personal gain.
If im wrong with this concept of moderators then let me know.
06-07-2011, 05:50,
(This post was last modified: 06-07-2011, 05:51 by andy66252.)
Gold Miner
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RE: Moderators
My arguement here will be one of time. How is a mod who is supposed to be in this town for griefing, this town for protection, and this one for some new player questions, supposed to find any time to take a long trip through the nether (or other means) to go to shops and buy things? here's my animated version of it. Mod : lalalalalala i'm walking to the store to buy myself some lapis. Mayor: Mr. moderator we need you there has been a severe griefing accident!
Mod : ok =(... a few minutes later Mod : lalalalalalala gonna go to the store to buy myself some food.... Random player: mr. moderator! someone griefed the subway! mod : okay =(..... Mod :lalalalalalala gotta have my bowl gotta have cereal from this store. Noob: Mr. Moderator can you show me where the rules are? Mod : ok =(...... as you can see when you have to constantly be tending to peoples problems how will you find time to actually walk to places? moderators may have a responsibility to the server but they should be able to buy/gather materials to build things like the rest of us right? it comes down to the fact of convenince as well. oh yah while i'm here why don't i pick up some cobble before i head back? this actually helps store owners because they are getting buissness they wouldn't normally get becuase moderators have to be everywhere at once. this is my arguement please point out anything you disagree with
06-07-2011, 06:40,
The Black Sun
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RE: Moderators
I'm of the opinion that moderators should only use mod powers for explicit and documented instances. If there is a legitimate griefing complaint I have nothing against a moderator warping to that location, doing some block checks and then visiting local shops before going home. This however is different than if a moderator were to just randomly TP to some person without an explicitly stated request by that person for assisstance. Sure it livens up the game but my guild operates in the shadows and relys on privacy, if mods feel as if they can TP to us whenever they please it may compromise particular locations and bases that are not even public to all members of the guild.
06-07-2011, 07:05,
Redstone Miner
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RE: Moderators
A Moderator is just another player on this great server until.... he gets called up. Then he stops doing what hes doing, warps to another player to do the Mod tasks like block checking and banning, then goes back.
He should not use that ability to then check shops to buy stuff and then warp to the next player and check their city out too when he has a agenda and a private interest.
I think it should be "warp in, check, Warp out. Ban the grief"
Not "warp in, check, ban, check the town, buy items, ask why the shop is out of stock, warp to next player, etc etc etc.... "
06-07-2011, 08:09,
Banned Miner
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RE: Moderators
are we really not saying a specific mods name right now.... we had a long talk on smp. it seems pretty clear.
Fashion was talking about a mod saying Mod: hey fashion got any Obsidian? Fashion: oh yea i got 1.5 stacks cause im that cool. Narrative sounds: Vroomp Mod:/ch l hey fashion wheres ur store? found it. got my obsidian bye.
there was clearly no problem going on with fashion there so that is not ok. to respond to andy if a mod cant find the time to get his own grilled pork then well too bad maybe he/she should step down as a mod and give their position to someone else.
06-07-2011, 09:33,
Bookshelf Miner
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RE: Moderators
Moderators are only allowed to teleport by request. They are not allowed to tp whenever, wherever. The only time they can teleport is if someone asks for moderating help eg. block checks. The moderator can then save their location, do whatever it is the client wants them to do and then teleport back to the saved location.
06-07-2011, 12:07,
Bookshelf Miner
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RE: Moderators
Yes, what Yotta said.
06-07-2011, 15:35,
Bedrock Miner
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RE: Moderators
I do have to say, I like the idea of tping to random people for a second can help lower griefing by catching people in the act.
Leech: Moderating the wiki for over 75 years
06-07-2011, 15:53,
Diamond Miner
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RE: Moderators
Leech, I understand your point. But a lot of people don't like it when a mod can randomly pop up in front of you to check in on what you are doing. It honestly doesn't bother me that much, but some people take it seriously.
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06-07-2011, 15:59,
Bookshelf Miner
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RE: Moderators
I don't like it when mods teleport to you for personal gain. They should just teleport to the problem, the back. Nothing else. If they have problems with all the constant problems and such like andy said... They should not have applied for moderator, it was their choice.