Hello There, Guest!
06-28-2011, 21:10, (This post was last modified: 06-29-2011, 01:43 by jyanowitz.)
Post: #1
Kiwike as a server is great but it has a few bugs and glitches. One bug that i have lost 443 gold ingots, full gold armor, gold block the second time it happened. the first time i forget what i had but it was around 50g on me. Now the third time i got a screen shot of before i died when i was falling and a screen shot of my death.
Heres what happens. It is always on a subway for me when i start glitching and falling. there is nothing that can be done because the lag is so bad. but then the chunk loads and you under the world and you fall to your death it says but u truly don't, you suffocate. i hope these screen shots are good enough to give me a refund.
People of kiwike if this has happened to you or you know what i am talking about what are your thoughts? refund?

Ok so look at the y coordinate. seem a little odd to you? if you notice this happening to you and you are already underground please teleport somewhere so you dont die like me.

[Image: 27wypvo.png]

[Image: 2rff1hv.png]

[Image: 19nxas.png]

[Image: 2h4eqf4.png]

Sadly you cant see my inventory but i am 100% sure that i had 2 diamond blocks, 1 stack of coal plus 53 coal, 3 stacks of red mushrooms, uhm hmmm, minecart,and 2 stacks of oak logs also 4 stacks of gunpowder
the second time i died i dont have any screen shots but i am sure i had 443 gold ingots 1 gold block full gold armor and the second time happened the day that banks were introduced
06-29-2011, 02:23,
Post: #2
RE: Item:Refund
How long ago was this? O.o
06-29-2011, 03:00, (This post was last modified: 06-29-2011, 03:07 by jyanowitz.)
Post: #3
RE: Item:Refund
the screen shots are from today as the last picture date shows. thats y i posted it.
so june 28th 11:28 my time which is Pacific Standard Time (West coast USA, california)
ok let me clear this up because once again i worded it so no1 but me can understand it Sad

The first time i died from this was a long time ago way before banks were implemented. i do not know what i had besides around 50g
the second time i died from this was the day the banks were implemented and i lost 443 gold ingots, full gold armor, 1 gold block
the third time i died from this was today. Date Pacific Standard time: June 28th 11:28 am. i lost 2 diamond blocks, 3 stacks of red mushrooms, 1 stack of coal +53 coal, 4 stacks of gunpowder, 2 stacks of oak logs

i hope you can understand this.
06-29-2011, 04:26,
Post: #4
RE: Item:Refund
[Image: Deal_with_it_dog_gif.gif?1275684729]

[Image: Suck_it_up_princess.gif]
06-29-2011, 04:37,
Post: #5
RE: Item:Refund
(06-29-2011, 04:26)RobertF Wrote: [Image: Deal_with_it_dog_gif.gif?1275684729]

[Image: Suck_it_up_princess.gif]

sadly it was ur diamonds and stuff Smiley so you suck it up. i want them!
06-29-2011, 05:36,
Post: #6
RE: Item:Refund
lol i was lagged outside of the nether. it was sweet. i did however forget to screenshot it =/

[Image: eJw9ijEKQjEQBfuc4l1AwUjSK4iNYKFgvZpVA8kG...MDAC7V.png]
06-29-2011, 16:12, (This post was last modified: 06-30-2011, 23:51 by Android.)
Post: #7
RE: Item:Refund
One, there's no way to be sure of what you actually did have and two, we don't refund items.

Unlocked so you can post your new pictures.
06-30-2011, 23:57, (This post was last modified: 07-01-2011, 00:16 by jyanowitz.)
Post: #8
RE: Item:Refund
hmmk heres from the fourth time i died. fashionmonkey can vouch saying that i was bringing this stuff to him for him to buy and this isnt soome wierd hoax thing.
y was fashion buying this stuff? cause it was extremely cheap. 37g for it all Smiley plus delivery fee Smiley thats y he was buying so much
[Image: 21358cg.png]

[Image: ou0eip.png]

[Image: 2yvo4uo.png]

[Image: n2yipw.png]

[Image: 2ptulc3.png]
pic's 1,2= what it looks like before the glitch happens. ive tried logging out and in nothing saves me.
pic's 3,4= my death and items on ground.as you see. 10 stacks of mossy cobblestone, 10 stacks of lapis lazuli blocks, 2 stacks of brick blocks,10 stacks of gravel- showing

pic 5 was a mistake soz

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