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What is X?
08-20-2011, 04:31,
Post: #1
What is X?
This is the OOC version of the X recruitment post I put in the RP section of the forums. Here, I will describe with as much detail as possible how X operates.

The Basics: X is an order of assassins. We have our own agenda most of the time, but we will also carry out paid contracts. If you join X, these are the benefits:

-A secret base, complete with a piston-operated conference table.

-You get most of the gold generated by your contract. If you are given a contract by The Speaker, The Walker, or The Watchman, we will pay you ourselves for its successful completion.

-You receive our full protection so long as you remain loyal to the order.

-We will supply armor, weapons and food.

-Once you earn our trust, you will gain access to all the secrets X has to offer; that is, very many.

To join...

Send me a PM.

More about X:

X is run by three Kiwikeans: The Watchman, The Walker, and The Speaker.

The Watchman observes the movements of Kiwike's residents, and is therefore a steadily running tap of knowledge.

The Speaker is the voice of X; he ensures that the public knows of our eXistence, handles matters of diplomacy, and reviews order applications.

The Walker is the one who, when all else fails, drives a dagger into the back of the target. He is an expert assassin, and carries out the will of X through his actions.

When someone is initiated into the order through the successful assassination of a designated target, they will gain a title of their own. More details will be released later concerning the ranks that a member of X can advance through.

Join us, and eXterminate.

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