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The restoration of Plunge (Or the Institute of Science)
09-04-2011, 10:15,
Post: #1
The restoration of Plunge (Or the Institute of Science)
As some of you may now, I'm currently the sole inhabitant of Plunge.
I'm looking for people to join the town, and help converting it into a facility for Science.
Each person to join will, after the building has been completed, receive a room in the living quarter.

If you are interested, post here, pm me, or just tell me in-game.

[Image: mca.png]
09-04-2011, 17:30,
Post: #2
RE: The restoration of Plunge (Or the Institute of Science)
Well, I'm happy you're putting it to good use and taking care of it. Good luck!

09-04-2011, 18:18,
Post: #3
RE: The restoration of Plunge (Or the Institute of Science)
As what gecko said good luck to you.
09-04-2011, 18:20,
Post: #4
RE: The restoration of Plunge (Or the Institute of Science)
Yes. Hopefully I can convince Yotta to roll it back to just being a hole after I've taken the valuables. It would help greatly in the rebuilding, since I won't have to fill out stuff.

[Image: mca.png]
09-04-2011, 18:20,
Post: #5
RE: The restoration of Plunge (Or the Institute of Science)
wait, wait, wait, wait! WTF happened to plunge >.>

You wot?
09-04-2011, 18:37,
Post: #6
RE: The restoration of Plunge (Or the Institute of Science)
People left, I took over.

[Image: mca.png]

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