Ban appeal
After a long time of not griefing this server i decided to try and return. Turns out i was wrong. I say "I AM TERINON!" then total pandemonium ensues. Why am i so notable? Why does everyone know me so well! I am sorry! I did a ban appeal on the TeamSpeak with Spammuff which was awesome. I wish more ban appeals were like that, for i got to sing intensely. I apologize for blowing up midgar. I do have a grudge against the monkey that lives in midgar so I wanted to get at him. I did not mean go so far as to get annihilated by admins, and get assassinated by random people on other servers. I apologize for my actions, and i do not mean any harm.
This appeal was written by "NotTerinon"
P.S. I am not Terinon! or am i?