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TheCreator's Ban appeal
04-10-2012, 02:53, (This post was last modified: 04-10-2012, 02:53 by TheCreator.)
Post: #1
TheCreator's Ban appeal
Alright so here's the story, me and my pirate crew went out for a little "plunderin'" trip.
We suddenly spotted a nice little village and decided to visit it.
The town seemed empty and noone around, that's when I spotted a little chicken coupe.
When I entered it there was a fence covering the chicken's nest.
I felt pretty hungry and my crew had only had seaweed soup to eat the past months so I decided to grab a couple of chickens.

Anyways I broke the fence down RPly and grabbed them.
Later on I got banned by SirSuba because I did not replace the fence.

This is an RP server, if you ask me that was an RP move.
If I were to put back the fence it wouldn't be RP at all since I don't think nasty pirates would care at all.
I'm not saying I'm supporting griefing but this is small, like breaking a window to break into someones house ETC.

As stated by my good friend Goregon:

"12 Sticks = 3 Wooden planks = 3/4 wooden block

Its not hard to replace and I feel the ban made by SirSuba is totaly unjustified. "

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04-10-2012, 03:03,
Post: #2
RE: TheCreator's Ban appeal
There was a door right next to it, and under the rules it counts as a grief either way. It's only for 4 hours.

[Image: eJwVjDEKgDAQBPt7xWEvGEV_IFgIFglYRxPIQbzI...mFIoE~.png]
04-10-2012, 03:06,
Post: #3
RE: TheCreator's Ban appeal
If it's not hard to replace the fence, then you should've replaced it. And RPing as a pirate still doesn't put you above the rules.

(10-14-2012, 06:21)sethd13 Wrote: 9/10 actually really liked that <3 party always has good music
[Image: Kon-Signature-2.gif]
04-10-2012, 03:09,
Post: #4
RE: TheCreator's Ban appeal
Look, 4 hours isn't exactly a long time. And a lot of things you do may not fit the "rp" term (like respawning, /inn, /home) but we deal with it because its part of minecraft. If we let everyone in the server break stuff to access something and leave it just because its more "rp" to do so, it's going to lead to mass griefing. Besides, its not that hard to replace a fence now is it? Besides I believe you're already being a plundering pirate by breaking into a chicken coup to steal chicken.

[Image: Shipbuilder-sig.jpg]
04-10-2012, 03:10, (This post was last modified: 04-10-2012, 03:12 by TaGam3r.)
Post: #5
RE: TheCreator's Ban appeal
What are the exceptions for rule 2.2 then? Also fence gates are damned hard to see D:
(04-10-2012, 03:10)TaGam3r Wrote: What are the exceptions for rule 2.2 then? Also fence gates are damned hard to see D:

I see it, ignore that post.
04-10-2012, 03:22, (This post was last modified: 04-10-2012, 03:26 by TheCreator.)
Post: #6
RE: TheCreator's Ban appeal
(04-10-2012, 03:06)partyars Wrote: If it's not hard to replace the fence, then you should've replaced it. And RPing as a pirate still doesn't put you above the rules.

This is a RP server right? So then RP should be something encouraged and not something that should get you banned, my character is a pirate who rapes and pillages.
I've stated that in my background information and by replacing that block would be an OOC action.

If you want a good RP server you must allow things like this to happen.

Instead of banning the people actually roleplaying legit, investigate the matter of players like "Crashlander" who kills players who "insulted him" and then claims he is a Proud and paranoid dwarf. Wich he hadn't stated in his Biography or in a /me.

"Look, 4 hours isn't exactly a long time"

4 hours is a long time if you have planned to play with your friends, and it's not really that, that's bothering me.
It's the fact that you can get away with KOS and Powergaming if you RP as a dwarf but this you get a ban for.

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04-10-2012, 03:27,
Post: #7
RE: TheCreator's Ban appeal
Just because that's how you character acts does not mean he can avoid the rules like your saying. If that was possible I could say I was superman that has Xray vision and can fly, Then use Hacks as its my Characters nature. The rules come first in this sense not how the character acts.
04-10-2012, 03:39, (This post was last modified: 04-10-2012, 05:56 by TheCreator.)
Post: #8
RE: TheCreator's Ban appeal
(04-10-2012, 03:27)DjFuzz Wrote: Just because that's how you character acts does not mean he can avoid the rules like your saying. If that was possible I could say I was superman that has Xray vision and can fly, Then use Hacks as its my Characters nature. The rules come first in this sense not how the character acts.

No because that would be powergaming since it doesn't really fit the theme of the server, and it's not a feature of the original game.

Use common sense.

[EDIT] What I did wasn't really much worse than Metagaming wich occurs all the time, a simple warning would have put me straight and cleared the confusion.
Banning me just causes more disrespect and more frustration.

You are now breathing manually.
04-10-2012, 12:45,
Post: #9
RE: TheCreator's Ban appeal
(04-10-2012, 03:39)TheCreator Wrote:
(04-10-2012, 03:27)DjFuzz Wrote: Just because that's how you character acts does not mean he can avoid the rules like your saying. If that was possible I could say I was superman that has Xray vision and can fly, Then use Hacks as its my Characters nature. The rules come first in this sense not how the character acts.

No because that would be powergaming since it doesn't really fit the theme of the server, and it's not a feature of the original game.

Use common sense.

[EDIT] What I did wasn't really much worse than Metagaming wich occurs all the time, a simple warning would have put me straight and cleared the confusion.
Banning me just causes more disrespect and more frustration.

But I'm sure you know what will happen if you do it again, hmm?
04-10-2012, 16:41, (This post was last modified: 04-10-2012, 16:42 by asdfasdflkjty911.)
Post: #10
RE: TheCreator's Ban appeal
I have a feeling The Creator wont last long on the server... Flaming half the mods, griefing, this is all madness!



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