RE: Towny Over-Protections
I agree wholeheartedly with The Black Sun. There should not be over-protection of chests. Fashionmonkey, this is roleplay, not find-a-glitch-and-exploit-it-so-I-keep-my-stuff-unrealistikly-safe server.
Also, Slayde, how could you possibly expect the usual, casual gamer to have a room set asside for combination-locked, pressure-pad protected chests? Quite simply, you can't. Newbs like fashionmonkey need a place where they can keep something secure withought dedicating days on end to protecting a chest, and people with a jam-packed life like me don't have the time to build something that complex when they are trying to juggle being a section leader in band, being the only drummer for church, being a member of Team America Rocketry Challenge, doing daily school-work, going to Driver's Ed., maintaining a relationship with the opposite sex, and basic day-to-day activities.
"One can concentrate so closely on the words of a sentence that one thereby misses the meaning. As can happen in any area of life. You must never lose focus on the larger landscape."