Hello There, Guest!
03-04-2012, 21:33,
Post: #11
RE: again
Pls listen. Pics or it didn't happen. Stuffs happen on accident, unless you are 100% sure and saw him do this you has no proof. Facts are facts, just because your a mod with opinion doesn't mean you can just ban everyone suspected of doing this. I demand a trial for this poor fellow. I realize I have nothing to do with this, seeings as I don't do much in-game, but I do feel he was banned unfairly even though I can see why he got banned.

[Image: 34ye55k.png]
03-04-2012, 21:52, (This post was last modified: 03-04-2012, 22:20 by geckosquid.)
Post: #12
RE: again
Pixel, that's why he made an appeal. I will now answer his every concern. Give me a few minutes.
(03-04-2012, 20:27)pavja2 Wrote:
(03-04-2012, 18:50)geckosquid Wrote: Just something you'll have to put up with. Anyways, here's the deal:

You dug straight to mine and Cell's hidden chests, and, although nothing was in them because we had since moved out of our base, you dug absolutely no blocks around them or anywhere else in the base. Interesting considering those were the only chests with air pockets around them... And no, they were not hidden in an obvious place, and no, there is no way you saw us going into them. Oh, and you were really sloppy, as you left everything open. There you go.

Can I have screen shots of where these chests were located, I have no idea whose chests I am looking at.

Also, do moderators usually get to randomly block-check chests from which nothing is stolen, or to see who built what structures if there was no grief. When I was a moderator I was under the impression that I was not allowed to block check anything until after a complaint was made and that I was supposed to ask a different moderator to do the banning if I thought I was greifed/stolen from so that personal bias would not weigh into the decision. Perhaps the rules have changed since then, but if so it's just another reason dealing with these random banning shenanigans is really not worth the trouble anymore.
If this change has not occurred could I request that I have a different moderator review my appeal as you have a personal bias to believe that your chests were hidden well even if they weren't? It's very hard to convince people that they were stupid after they were stupid.

I don't have much to go on here but from the vague and ambiguous charges that have been pressed thus far, the following presents my responses:

Quote:You dug straight to mine and Cell's hidden chests

Ignoring the grammar I highly doubt that your chests were hidden very far, were in a location I had not already visited previously or had a concealed entrance. If I dig a few blocks in some direction and find something generally I steal it instead of digging in other places first.

Quote: although nothing was in them because we had since moved out of our base

This seems to be a lie - it is impossible to check who opened chests until after something is taken out of them, so either something was in the chest or you are just accusing me of removing blocks in your base.

Quote: Interesting considering those were the only chests with air pockets around them

Doesn't imply xray - chests that are in rooms with lots of space are a lot easier to find and access then chests which are buried. Oftentimes chests that are buried are hidden better (because they contain more valuable stuff) and are much harder to find because they are well hidden.

Quote: And no, they were not hidden in an obvious place, and no, there is no way you saw us going into them

I can't refute because I have no idea which chests these were, most people don't label chests with their names and then I get accused of stealing not from a particular place but instead from a particular person, the result is that it is very difficult to appeal until I am provided a screen shot. If you do provide one chances are I will remember and be able to explain much more effectively.

Quote: Oh, and you were really sloppy, as you left everything open. There you go.

Ad-hom seems to indicate that there is a bit of personal bias playing into this, also irrelevant, if you want to ban me for greifing that is a different discussion I will be more than happy to have.

Hopefully I will receive a prompt response and a bit of clarification on exactly where I found them. Thanks, and hopefully this will be handled with enough professionalism and rationale that I shall have a bit of my diminished faith in kiwike restored.
I apologize for not elaborating further. Allow me...

The base belonging to Cell and I was the one with the two-block waterfall. I'm sure you recall, as you just stole from it three days ago. There were two chests on opposite sides of the walls, hidden in corners. The only blocks you touched in the entire base were the ones needed to get to those chests; two blocks vertically for my chest, and another two going towards Cell's chests horizontally. While I realize whose chests they are is not a relevant piece of information, I think you're smart enough to understand my point.

There were some odds and ends in the chests, but nothing significant. On the contrary, it is logged whenever someone opens a chest, as it was a few days ago. However, you did take some insignificant things from the chests, which, of course, was logged; the logs said you did so directly after digging to them. Surprise, surprise.

There are mods that detect air pockets.

My chest (as you left it):
[Image: m6Vul.png]
Cell's chests (again, as you left them):
[Image: M9ad6.png]

My point was that it was incredibly obvious someone had gone through our hidden chests, which is why the situation warranted a block check.
Oh, and it's worth adding that five moderators reported to the scene to discuss, and agreed on a ban.
Finally, please do not even begin correcting my grammar. I counted 15 infractions in the last post you made alone. If you want to get unbanned, I suggest you treat the staff with some more respect.

03-04-2012, 23:10, (This post was last modified: 03-04-2012, 23:15 by pavja2.)
Post: #13
RE: again
Ok, this should be pretty easy to sort out.
First these chests were by no stretch of imagination well hidden. The only utility for an ugly cobblestone wall is to hide stuff, couple that with the extremely strangely designed corners and that's two strikes against the "well hidden" claim.
Additionally if you looked around a little more closely you would note that I had also investigated that wall on the Second of January at 5:15 PM Eastern Time as indicated by a note I took at that time to remind myself that there were hidden chests in your base that should be checked when you all were online so I could unlock them.
Another reason it was obvious those chests were there is because there was a wealth disparity between your supply room and your base. You had less "stuff" stored in your supply room than your suspected wealth which meant I knew that you had to have chests hidden somewhere. If you look around the area beneath your base you will see that I had extensively explored that entire area looking for chests to no avail. Ultimately I realized that hiding stuff under lava-pools at bedrock was too much trouble for items that you all seemed to use fairly frequently (smoothstone, glow, iron, diamonds, etc.) and that it was more likely that the stuff was stored in an accessible place, such as the room in which your beds were located.
In addition to all of that, I am definitely not the first person to have seen those chests, I have actually gotten /msg's from other players asking if I "knew about Cell's hidden chests," to which I replied "yes" because by that point I had already found them.
As to leaving those little holes in the walls, I'm pretty sure that at least one of those holes was there before I checked out the chests. Additionally, I was under the impression that the base was abandoned and as a result no one would mind if I just moved on. Removing those blocks was entirely my bad and if you want to ban me for removing 3 blocks from the cobblestone inside wall of an abandoned base that is an entirely different issue that should probably be addressed in a separate thread.

Quote:If you want to get unbanned, I suggest you treat the staff with some more respect.

Seems rather coercive, I'm sorry if my contesting a miss-issued ban offended you or the staff but if you want to ban me for being disrespectful that is an issue entirely independent from whether or not I xrayed.
(03-04-2012, 20:49)Smythie Wrote: I don't think it's a coincidence that you are always getting banned for xraying, clearly there is a reason behind it all. You are xraying.

This is absurd. Just because I am the only person on the server who actually puts effort into stealing from high-profile players after planning and paying close attention and roaming the map aimlessly for hours looking for slight oddities that might indicate a hidden place does not mean that I use x-ray. The only thing my frequent bans indicate is that I am much better at thieving than our moderators are at moderating.

I would also like to point out that I have never been banned for xray. Every single time the ban has been revoked because the moderators have realized they were mistaken. If the moderators had taken a proactive approach and ask me about a suspected xray before issuing the ban none of my past appeals would ever have been made.
03-04-2012, 23:59,
Post: #14
RE: again
(03-04-2012, 23:10)pavja2 Wrote: I have actually gotten /msg's from other players asking if I "knew about Cell's hidden chests,"

03-05-2012, 00:02, (This post was last modified: 03-05-2012, 00:03 by Leech.)
Post: #15
RE: again
(03-04-2012, 23:10)pavja2 Wrote: roaming the map aimlessly for hours looking for slight oddities that might indicate a hidden place

I very rarely see you on, how could you spend that long looking for oddities Suspicious

Leech: Moderating the wiki for over 75 years
[Image: QZj44.gif]
03-05-2012, 00:02, (This post was last modified: 03-05-2012, 00:10 by DjFuzz.)
Post: #16
RE: again
The fact is, every single base that you go to (which is like everyone on the server) you always find the hidden rooms and areas that can be seen by a X-ray mod first time, you NEVER seem to search around when looking for these hidden areas.

And also what leech says, I'm not always on the server but I am on the website and I check who are online, I really see you online, maybe a hour on a weekday and 2 on weekends. It's odd how you find so many bases in such a short period
03-05-2012, 00:43,
Post: #17
RE: again
(03-05-2012, 00:02)Leech Wrote:
(03-04-2012, 23:10)pavja2 Wrote: roaming the map aimlessly for hours looking for slight oddities that might indicate a hidden place

I very rarely see you on, how could you spend that long looking for oddities Suspicious
No... i know whenever he is online he usaully is roaming looking for bases and often then not he is simultaneously telling me that he is finding hidden bases and chest. I think we just have to accept that he is really good at he does.
03-05-2012, 03:24,
Post: #18
RE: again
(03-05-2012, 00:02)DjFuzz Wrote: The fact is, every single base that you go to (which is like everyone on the server) you always find the hidden rooms and areas that can be seen by a X-ray mod first time, you NEVER seem to search around when looking for these hidden areas.

And also what leech says, I'm not always on the server but I am on the website and I check who are online, I really see you online, maybe a hour on a weekday and 2 on weekends. It's odd how you find so many bases in such a short period

Areas that take up a lot of space are substantially easier to find than well hidden chests. Even if I suspect I know where a buried chest is there is the increased risk of being accused falsely of xraying. If I can find enough stuff in the easy locations i'll just move on rather than take everything, or i'll come back later when I need more stuff.

Also, the second portion of this statement is non-falsifiable and too vague for me to respond to. The fact that I make these thefts without xraying is proof that I have enough time to make these thefts without xraying, short of tautology this is really difficult to respond to. That said, I generally do nothing other than wander about looking for bases and have gotten better as a result of doing it so frequently.

Additionally this seems to be irrelevant to the ban, if you wish to ban me for being a successful thief I would be more than happy to discuss that in a different thread. Unless you can provide specific instances in which I have xrayed there is no justification for banning me for doing so.

I feel that it is abundantly clear that I have not used xray mods/texture-packs at any point during my time on Kiwike and that this and all previous bans have been the result of gross incompetence on the part of the people attempting to hide the items and on the part of the moderators who have adopted a policy of ban first, ask questions later.

These frequent "witch-trials" are harming my credibility on the server despite my innocence. Most of these issues could be handled quickly and privately. I (and I am sure a non-insignificant number of other players on the server) am rapidly losing faith in the ability of the staff to handle situations in a professional and rational manner. Additionally I am regretting the time and energy I have put in to creating an exciting RP organization that has been routinely persecuted by reckless and inconsiderate bans. If thieves in my guild are going to be banned for xray after every heist they will quickly lose essential anonymity.
Clearly a lot more than just my ban needs to be considered and revised by the staff.
03-05-2012, 03:58,
Post: #19
RE: again
I can't speak to declare whether you spend as much time online as you say you do, but I must say that it would be much easier to discuss with you these possible wrong-doings if you were in fact online. Keeping in consideration that these occasions are frequent, I'm surprised you're not online within one or two days of the banning as to allow us to talk it over.
03-05-2012, 04:19,
Post: #20
RE: again
(03-05-2012, 03:58)Android Wrote: I can't speak to declare whether you spend as much time online as you say you do, but I must say that it would be much easier to discuss with you these possible wrong-doings if you were in fact online. Keeping in consideration that these occasions are frequent, I'm surprised you're not online within one or two days of the banning as to allow us to talk it over.

I can vouch that he was on... just not when your on.

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