RE: Ban Appeal - Oranges44
Meta-gaming in simple terms can be defined as using out-of-game information or resources to affect one’s in-game decisions. You cannot use information in-game unless it has been explicitly made available to your character in the RP section of the forums, through an RP-themed PM on the forums, or from an actual in-game experience, not including OOC chat.
You do not send private messages to a character that you have never heard of or seen before. An exception is when posting it in their postbox or when making a post on the RP/Lore section of the forum.
Coordinates are natural to people in Minecraft and telling another player "Meet me at x,z in 3 days" is OK. However, sending coordinates in OOC, Skype, forum messages or any other form of OOC conversation is against the rules.
One will first be issued a warning before repeated offences cause increased punishments.
I wasent given any sort of warning. So this ban itself is illegitimate.