RE: Suggestions from a Dying Breed of Roleplayer
I have roleplayed a lot throughout my short life on this planet.
Not on minecraft though, but it's basicly the same principle. And roleplaying is what this server lacks. What it don't lacks, to me it seems is people who do things that appear right to them but not to others which suffer through the others actions. I am just playing along 'til I can find some good roleplaying group here on this server, but so far no evidence of that happening.
And Cerce, I never got a reply to my latest message, and that saddens me. Because I didn't know if it was going to be or if it wouldn't happen. I got back onto the server by the fact of something happening. But I only heard that you left... for good as it seems, at least in-game.
I am insane 'cause I choose to be, not 'cause I got diagnosed.