(08-10-2011, 12:40)Naamandre3 Wrote: (08-09-2011, 23:57)DARK_DUSK Wrote: Namm it's because there isn't enough ppl the regular amount of ppl on 14 to 23 ppl wen there are 101 SLOTS want more RP get more ppl on the server
I disagree with that in all ways i can.
14 to 23 people are enough way to much even.
You do not need more ppl to get more RP
It’s even unhand able if you role-play with 23 people.
The only thing i do need.
Are more people wishing to roleplay.
Instead of just more people. And for that we do have a lot of people wishing to role play look at this topic.
Kinda sounds like your forcing people to role-play, with more people on the server there's a bigger chance of role-play, than you forcing people to role-play (or harrasing them) ~What are you afraid of~ do think there will be lag? do you think the server will suck if it gets to big? do you think that the popularity of the server will be it's downfall? I am sure that all those things will never ever happen, what's wrong with more people, you make it seem like you don't won't it seeing as you rejected the idea right away.