(05-02-2012, 15:28)NLewis Wrote: I thought the purpose of this Rule is to make sure we RP. Well we are, he just forgot to get permission. I don't see how this is worth a one week ban.
(05-02-2012, 15:48)asdfasdflkjty911 Wrote: They're gonna continue to betray and nonrp.
I've never even heard Giratina roleplay. The least I've heard from Nlewis and Pwol are, "Hello there!" right before attacking me. There hasn't been a
single time when there has been so much as a capture of a barbarian, or citizens taken as hostiles. Where's the RP? Barbarians don't slay 100% of an entire town. It gets to the point where powergaming is more of a roleplay because you aren't killing them on sight.
If everyone could roleplay more and behave like a real inhabitant of Kiwike, then we'd call you roleplayers of barbarians, rather than barbaric roleplayers.
This part is off topic. Read it for fun.
(05-02-2012, 14:19)tristo999 Wrote: ***Tristo looks upon smellityet's post and frowns. He picks up the sword of the Biased Breaker and slashes smellityet in the chest removing all biased from the land once more. Giratina156 once more can see a way to freedom.***
If this is your counter-arguement, then I suppose I'll counter-counter-argue. First off, we're all biased. This is a debate, which means that anyone who posts is on one side or another. The only neutral people here are the ones not posting.
Also, if you want to "lore" battle, then I will.
***Smellityet is reincarnated and forgives Tristo. A spirit in the lands of Kiwike comes to Tristo, eats his last cookie out of his cookie jar, and opens the all windows in his house hoping he might get a cold. Smellityet tries to explain to the spirit that Tristo isn't bad, but the spirit cannot hear.***