(05-02-2012, 23:41)oranges44 Wrote: Connor you're simply mad that you got so angry from my raids that you duped blocks to attempt to defend yourself and as a result you are banned. Good fight sir.
My response was unbiased. I did not say which side I am picking. Also, your ban is fair because Yotta, Droid, and the mods made your restriction, giving them the power to decide how strictly to enforce it, and how long the punishment shall be. Dont forget rule 1.1) Moderators Are Always Right
(05-02-2012, 23:41)Pwol Wrote: (05-02-2012, 23:34)Smythie Wrote: (05-02-2012, 23:32)Pwol Wrote: (05-02-2012, 23:15)conor1121 Wrote: The ban Giratina recieved of a week, I believe is fair.
It absolutely is not fair. Why has this ban inflated to make the severity sound as if he blew up somebody's home for fun. In a nutshell he was preparing to embark on a raid and was assaulted, as a result he fought back. Simple as that, the ban shouldn't even be a fraction of what it is. I can understand why you would say the ban time is appropriate however. Counting that you are perma banned, 1 week seems like and hour to you, quite biased...
I haven't been banned and I think it was fair. He requested permission to raid, permission was denied, he still went into bowser's town. Bowser logged, gira is a known raider, bowser possibly hit him first, gira kills him. Permission was not granted to gira he should not have been there. 1 week. Thank You and goodnight.
Permission was never denied, It was simply pending, and he was waiting patiently for the green light. He shouldn't even need to get permission in the first place, counting that others can raid us under the radar day and night. We need to tell the world we are coming to raid, and can only raid when the mods are 1. online and 2. In a good mood.
Permission was never granted either, lets not forget that
(05-02-2012, 23:49)Pwol Wrote: (05-02-2012, 23:44)andy66252 Wrote: I'm going to go with yotta on this though. You guys are trying to make the server your own little pvp fest which is the exact opposite of what we want. We're going for rp with some pvp thrown in on the side. You're going for pvp with rp thrown in on the side. now can we stop arguing about this and let yotta work on not towny so the second age can happen eventually?
That doesn't mean you need to ban him for unreasonable amounts of time. Im pretty sure Oranges agrees with me, but I'm here for RP and the great community.
1.1) Moderators Are Always Right, their rule, they decide the length of the punishment, and how strictly to enforce it