What will happen to Kiwike
The server stays on the old version until Bukkit and plugins have been updated in normal order. This can take anywhere between 3 hours and several days. If you wish to keep playing on Kiwike with the old version make sure you choose not to update!
But I want to try out the new features
No problem! Just make sure you backup minecraft.jar
- Open up the normal Minecraft launcher, where you log in and see the news.
- Click on "options"
- Click on the "Game location on disk" link.
- Navigate to the "bin" folder.
- In this folder, rename minecraft.jar to whatever. For example "minecraft_backup.jar"
- Start Minecraft and download the new update
- When you want to play on Kiwike again, go into the same folder and remove minecraft.jar and rename the backup you have back to minecraft.jar
- Have fun playing on the old version