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Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911
04-10-2012, 02:52,
Post: #21
RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911
(04-10-2012, 02:28)pavja2 Wrote: Somewhat absurd imo... people can have reputations that exist before they are met by other people in the real world, I certainly wouldn't trust Casey Anthony to babysit my children but does that mean I am meta-gaming if I put her on my "do not hire as babysitter" list? And senseless thievery/killing/badstuff happens in the real world without the bad-guys writing and publicly posting a small missive before they do it...

What I'm saying is that you can't know who Casey Anthony is unless you've seen a picture of her, a description of what she looks like or someone points at her and tells you who she is. Using the nametags to identify someone you've never seen before is what's breaking rule #7 in this case.

04-10-2012, 02:53,
Post: #22
RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911
(04-10-2012, 02:49)conor1121 Wrote: Here is my story. Jnkw was spotted at our town. It wasn't him as we later discovered. I saw a smaller tag(could've been distance). I was alone at our town at the time. So I hired Asdf to kill him. There is my story.

Bad story



Wouldn't read again!
04-10-2012, 02:55,
Post: #23
RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911
Asdf, you kinda DO need a break from Minecraft for a bit. Go read a book, or go bird watching. The nation will be fine for 2 days <3

[Image: 3519w6h.jpg]
04-10-2012, 02:55, (This post was last modified: 04-10-2012, 02:58 by conor1121.)
Post: #24
RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911
(04-10-2012, 02:53)Spammuff Wrote:
(04-10-2012, 02:49)conor1121 Wrote: Here is my story. Jnkw was spotted at our town. It wasn't him as we later discovered. I saw a smaller tag(could've been distance). I was alone at our town at the time. So I hired Asdf to kill him. There is my story.

Bad story



Wouldn't read again!
04-10-2012, 02:57, (This post was last modified: 04-10-2012, 03:02 by asdfasdflkjty911.)
Post: #25
RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911
(04-10-2012, 02:52)yottabyte Wrote:
(04-10-2012, 02:28)pavja2 Wrote: Somewhat absurd imo... people can have reputations that exist before they are met by other people in the real world, I certainly wouldn't trust Casey Anthony to babysit my children but does that mean I am meta-gaming if I put her on my "do not hire as babysitter" list? And senseless thievery/killing/badstuff happens in the real world without the bad-guys writing and publicly posting a small missive before they do it...

What I'm saying is that you can't know who Casey Anthony is unless you've seen a picture of her, a description of what she looks like or someone points at her and tells you who she is. Using the nametags to identify someone you've never seen before is what's breaking rule #7 in this case.

For one, I didnt use nametags to spot him, I found him in the wild while on my way to Bowsers town and in this small wild town thing.

Why was I banned? I didnt do anything wrong besides finding some one that had their name tag name on a sign from conor, and even that is still quite minor, we are not the only people who have RP'd using their minecraft name or using name tags. I've given my points, and I want to know if theres anything else I can clear up.

Lets get on topic of THIS thread, not how you view RP killing, that should go to a different thread, please.

04-10-2012, 03:07,
Post: #26
RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911
AFAIK, you were banned for breaking rule 7 as a whole, not because of one specific event. I think the name board was one of the reasons, which is why I'm trying to explain why that is against the rules. I wasn't the one to ban you, and unfortunately I don't know enough about the situation with jnkw to judge this appeal.

04-10-2012, 03:10,
Post: #27
RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911
What I'm trying to say is, I didnt do anything. The message board with the names was not made by me. I did not beak that. Two days for a message board? That too is rediculous, in fact, why even ban me, or anyone, just tell us to remove it, we would have, and we will when I get on to do it, having a sign with youre minecraft name on it now means "BAN YOU FOR 2 DAYS PERSONS WHOS TOWN ITS IN".

The other people who apparenly complained have all been given reasons of why I have done it now too, why I killed them, I was never even talked to, and I was online, they could have simply messaged me to atleast ask for my side of the story, there is always a second side in RP, and you all know I'm not the only one killing others.

04-10-2012, 03:19,
Post: #28
RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911
Oh, I'm not saying the message board was the one reason. But that's pretty much all I can say since I've been getting reports from several players about it throughout the day and thought I might as well tell you about it here.

04-10-2012, 03:22,
Post: #29
RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911
Ok, well Im still banned, and I dont have any good reason as to why, all the reasons given I have given my RP decisions. It'd be nice if I was banned on a more viable reasoning, versus what three people have said, because how can you take what others say and not have what that person it affects input? Especially when it envolves things that have already been resolved. Like wtf.

04-10-2012, 06:14,
Post: #30
RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911
What yotta means is that you couldn't have known it was jnkw without reading his nameplate.


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