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Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911
04-10-2012, 06:24,
Post: #31
RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911
I am aware, I didn't think that when I found him, but regardless that issue was solved. Days ago, with another mod. It has no need in being talked about now as if I didnt already resolve?

My point being I still don't see any reasons for a 2 day ban. Expcecialy when the "reasons" given are old and resolved.

Why can't I get a reply here? Should I make a new appeal? Everyone's just talking about this one, old, resolved situation. Why was I banned?

04-10-2012, 06:35,
Post: #32
RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911
Until Spam replies to this with a definitive answer, there's not much we can do. Sorry D:

04-10-2012, 14:08,
Post: #33
RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911
(04-10-2012, 06:24)asdfasdflkjty911 Wrote: I am aware, I didn't think that when I found him, but regardless that issue was solved. Days ago, with another mod. It has no need in being talked about now as if I didnt already resolve?

My point being I still don't see any reasons for a 2 day ban. Expcecialy when the "reasons" given are old and resolved.

Why can't I get a reply here? Should I make a new appeal? Everyone's just talking about this one, old, resolved situation. Why was I banned?

Your points lead back to the same situation asdf.

You've Broke rule 7, in multiple occasions, and made a KOS board that has been deemed against rule 7.

Your explanations even show further why you should stay banned, you spend too much time putting bounties on players you haven't even seen or met RP-Wise..

This is what I know, and after talking with saera and the other moderators.

Sorry, but in my eyes the ban should stay, until you give them rules another full reading.

We're cracking down hard on rule 7 now.
04-10-2012, 14:53, (This post was last modified: 04-10-2012, 15:04 by asdfasdflkjty911.)
Post: #34
RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911
So you're banning me for a sign I did not make, a, what he's saying, "non rp" kill, of which I did give my RP reasoning, and although yes, I used his name tag to find, I being punished, even though there have been many other people who have done the same thing at the same time. You're banning only me because I killed people days to weeks ago. Lord ginger ton, that was two days after revamped. Smythie, I had full RP reasoning, he was in a town I was raiding, I stalked him an saw him in a house and assumed he loved there, then he walked out and killed him, that was days ago, jnkw, ALREADY RESOLVED. Every sign made was NOT made by me, it seems you are accusing me of things I havnt done now. You can go into town and check, and regardless, is that really ban worthy? All you'd have to do is tell us to take it down and say its against rule 7, we would have done it, it's not like we are sitting here saying "NO U LIE", if I should be banned on kills from last week NOW, why the fuck is geckosquid or Ian or skote or crash not banned? Because they're offenses were OLD. And now I'm being banned right when you crack down on it and say i done these things that I've explained or havnt done? Pretender was let off the hook for a new rule, even though he knew what he was doing was wrong.

Where. Is. You're. Proof. Ive. Done. These. Things.

I've never put a bounty on a player. Where are you getting these facts? Nottrue.com?

Jnkw (the only situation that used the nametags, sorry bout that, I didn't make the bounty, and I just went with it) is old, already resolved, and shouldn't play a role in this ban.

So from my understanding I've been banned for
1. A signs board I did not make. (nor did we get any information or warnings against it)
2. A previously resolve killing.
3. Killings I have already given my RP reasons for.
A. Killing from two weeks ago.
B. Killing from a raid, which if you go to that thread he made, you can see it had nothing to do with nonrp, and just a misunderstanding on both parts.
C. Killing of a bounty placed on a player, all done RP, except for finding someone who's name was on a bounty, which yes, sorry, I didn't think that out not seen the updated rules on that (spamm, I'm not the only one). Regardless I did RP it, but apparently that's not good enough? I now for a fact I'm not the only one who used nametags on the server at a previous point. Which is where this was. BEFORE NOW.

You didn't even ask for an explanation before the ban. Wtf.

04-10-2012, 14:59, (This post was last modified: 04-10-2012, 15:06 by Spammuff.)
Post: #35
RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911
(04-10-2012, 14:53)asdfasdflkjty911 Wrote: So you're banning me for a sign I did not make, a, what he's saying, "non rp" kill, of which I did give my RP reasoning, and although yes, I used his name tag to find, I being punished, even though there have been many other people who have done the same thing at the same time. You're banning only me because I killed people days to weeks ago. Lord ginger ton, that was two days after revamped. Smythie, I had full RP reasoning, he was in a town I was raiding, I stalked him an saw him in a house and assumed he loved there, then he walked out and killed him, that was days ago, jnkw, ALREADY RESOLVED. Every sign made was NOT made by me, it seems you are accusing me of things I havnt done now. You can go into town and check, and regardless, is that really ban worthy? All you'd have to do is tell us to take it down and say its against rule 7, we would have done it, it's not like we are sitting here saying "NO U LIE", if I should be banned on kills from last week NOW, why the fuck is geckosquid or Ian or skote or crash not banned? Because they're offenses were OLD. And now I'm being banned right when you crack down on it and say i done these things that I've explained or havnt done? Pretender was let off the hook for a new rule, even though he knew what he was doing was wrong.

Where. Is. You're. Proof. Ive. Done. These. Things.

I've never put a bounty on a player. Where are you getting these facts? Nottrue.com?

Jnkw (the only situation that used the nametags, sorry bout that, I didn't make the bounty, and I just went with it) is old, already resolved, and shouldn't play a role in this ban.

So from my understanding I've been banned for
1. A signs board I did not make. (nor did we get any information or warnings against it)
2. A previously resolve killing.
3. Killings I have already given my RP reasons for.

You didn't even ask for an explanation before the ban. Wtf.

No need to get rude...

I was only stating what i know..

I'm not going to unban you now.

04-10-2012, 15:08,
Post: #36
RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911
Sorry for what?! I have done nothing against the rules! I've been banned for things I DID NOT DO!

Because someone combined about me and now I'm being punished, why is crash not banned? He even said he would be next, of this had happened to me, but woop di doo, he won't be banned. I will because apparently using nametags ONCE front SOME ONE ELSE'S bounty (I'm sorry, once again, at the times I did not know those updated rules on that, regardless my character has been raiding a lot and if the bounty isnt RP then me simply raiding was. I found the town and saw it had chests with items and went into this mine I found and there he was.

04-10-2012, 15:10,
Post: #37
RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911
(04-10-2012, 15:08)asdfasdflkjty911 Wrote: Sorry for what?! I have done nothing against the rules! I've been banned for things I DID NOT DO!

Because someone combined about me and now I'm being punished, why is crash not banned? He even said he would be next, of this had happened to me, but woop di doo, he won't be banned. I will because apparently using nametags ONCE front SOME ONE ELSE'S bounty (I'm sorry, once again, at the times I did not know those updated rules on that, regardless my character has been raiding a lot and if the bounty isnt RP then me simply raiding was. I found the town and saw it had chests with items and went into this mine I found and there he was.

Someone clearly knows how to treat moderators right!

He didn't even take me out to dinner before completely wordfucking me.

Anyway, you won't get an unban from me, because of your rudeness towards moderators.

Ask one of the other ones.
04-10-2012, 15:18,
Post: #38
RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911
I'm sorry spammuff<3 I still love you. Even if you don't love me</3

I'm just pissed that I was banned for things I didn't do, already happened, or I have been able to explain. And then seeing as this goes on for 4 pages of just random people coming in and talkig about non RP kills that don't include me, just that subject.

I'm sorry spammySad

04-10-2012, 15:23, (This post was last modified: 04-10-2012, 15:27 by Spammuff.)
Post: #39
RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911
(04-10-2012, 15:18)asdfasdflkjty911 Wrote: I'm sorry spammuff<3 I still love you. Even if you don't love me</3

I'm just pissed that I was banned for things I didn't do, already happened, or I have been able to explain. And then seeing as this goes on for 4 pages of just random people coming in and talkig about non RP kills that don't include me, just that subject.

I'm sorry spammySad

I still <3 you asdf...

I guess this has gone on too long...

Lemme Whip out the Unbanhammer

Requesting Lock!
04-10-2012, 15:30,
Post: #40
RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911
(04-10-2012, 15:23)Spammuff Wrote:
(04-10-2012, 15:18)asdfasdflkjty911 Wrote: I'm sorry spammuff<3 I still love you. Even if you don't love me</3

I'm just pissed that I was banned for things I didn't do, already happened, or I have been able to explain. And then seeing as this goes on for 4 pages of just random people coming in and talkig about non RP kills that don't include me, just that subject.

I'm sorry spammySad

I still <3 you asdf...

I guess this has gone on too long...

Lemme Whip out the Unbanhammer

Requesting Lock!


To signify my love I'd like to give you a picture of the best tv shows ever. I shall figure out how to get them up later once I'm home<3

It e pretty picture:3

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