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Ban Appeal - Oranges44
04-17-2012, 03:45,
Post: #11
RE: Ban Appeal - Oranges44
Please Conor, don't start another one again.

[Image: Shipbuilder-sig.jpg]
04-17-2012, 04:25,
Post: #12
RE: Ban Appeal - Oranges44
Orangeyboy, we need to have some lessons on what is acceptable thieving/raiding practice XD

[Image: britgif.gif]
04-17-2012, 18:16,
Post: #13
RE: Ban Appeal - Oranges44
You know Saera I'm pretty sure Android asked you to see if ASDF would agree for a trade off , resulting in both me and connor being unbanned.
04-17-2012, 20:38,
Post: #14
Thumbs Up  RE: Ban Appeal - Oranges44
Meta-gaming in simple terms can be defined as using out-of-game information or resources to affect one’s in-game decisions. You cannot use information in-game unless it has been explicitly made available to your character in the RP section of the forums, through an RP-themed PM on the forums, or from an actual in-game experience, not including OOC chat.

You do not send private messages to a character that you have never heard of or seen before. An exception is when posting it in their postbox or when making a post on the RP/Lore section of the forum.

Coordinates are natural to people in Minecraft and telling another player "Meet me at x,z in 3 days" is OK. However, sending coordinates in OOC, Skype, forum messages or any other form of OOC conversation is against the rules.

One will first be issued a warning before repeated offences cause increased punishments.

I wasent given any sort of warning. So this ban itself is illegitimate.
04-17-2012, 21:23,
Post: #15
RE: Ban Appeal - Oranges44
You know, the outright flame here towards the decision can be your ban now. KTHXBAI

Leech: Moderating the wiki for over 75 years
[Image: QZj44.gif]
04-17-2012, 22:24,
Post: #16
RE: Ban Appeal - Oranges44
After further discussion and revision, the staff has decided to unban you on the account that this was your first offense in such an area, and for that you should only receive a warning. The rest of your tempban's time has been waived, and we apologize for any wasted time.

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