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Zaborav is under attack!
05-13-2011, 02:55,
Post: #1
Zaborav is under attack!
Zaborav is under attack! yup you heard it, you may or may not have heard in global but lol, 20-30 lightning strikes have hit our new town's roof. and plenty more around us. Supercharged creepers were constantly near us, and 2 zombie pigman have spawned! it was so cool to watch and Android, Stugmaster, and I all got hit by lightning, although only android died. RIP Android. And enjoy some of the screenshots for your own amusement =D

[Image: 113052481161.png]

[Image: 1130524815211.png]

Zombie Pigman wants YOU to joing Zaborav!

Come tell you great lightning strike stories here, some of them are actually interestingMellow
05-13-2011, 14:21,
Post: #2
RE: Zaborav is under attack!
My wolf got struck by lightning 3 times in 2 minutes one time. I healed him up after getting him to some water, then it decided to take a swim. Underneath my dock. He didn't budge, and now his grave is at the bottom of a very deep ocean. I also got set on fire twice during the whole thing, thank god for diamond armor. (and the ocean being very near me)

05-13-2011, 16:44,
Post: #3
RE: Zaborav is under attack!
That was pretty fun. I tried to get as many pics as possible of lightning, I'll have to check them when I get home. But Android died. Sad It was a sad sad night. I was brought down to 3 hearts with a lightning strike in full diamond armor. It hurt!

"If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face."
—Zach de la Rocha

"People should not be afraid of their Governments. Governments should be afraid of their people." -V
05-13-2011, 20:39,
Post: #4
RE: Zaborav is under attack!
I guess being constructed of metal and wire doesn't help Android. He was hit in The Quarry a week ago. I think maybe he should invest in a lightning Rod helmet!

-Master Stone Cutter-
-The Roadbuilders-
05-14-2011, 18:38,
Post: #5
RE: Zaborav is under attack!
Danger,Danger, High Voltage!

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