Hello There, Guest!
Hoi, Hello.
06-11-2011, 02:54,
Post: #1
Hoi, Hello.
Hello i'm Trinitiz, Dave, David.. whatever you want to call me.

I have currently got back into minecraft since my college work has cleared up so i thought i would have a look around and this community looks eligable (Don't take this in a bad way.. More of a compliment as most communitys are in shambles)

I have come from a free build server which i was Head mod on, We always discussed about making an RP server since i enjoyed it from when i used to play WoW (World of warcraft)..

So yeah..
I'm Trinitiz, Dave or David =]
Hope to see you around.
06-11-2011, 02:57, (This post was last modified: 06-11-2011, 02:57 by Kyga.)
Post: #2
RE: Hoi, Hello.
Im Kyga! Nice to meet ya!
You'll probably see me on the server...always.
I hope you have fun in our fun little server Laugh
06-11-2011, 03:16,
Post: #3
RE: Hoi, Hello.
Thanks, and sure i will do
06-11-2011, 03:19,
Post: #4
RE: Hoi, Hello.
Welcome to Kiwike.
I'm Cell, Unlike Kyga.
And i saw your into Roleplaying, Hope you make some interesting things for our server.
06-11-2011, 03:22,
Post: #5
RE: Hoi, Hello.
Yeah, just wasn't that great at it, i hope to improve though.
06-11-2011, 03:30,
Post: #6
RE: Hoi, Hello.
(06-11-2011, 03:19)Cell Wrote: I'm Cell, I like Kyga.

Aww shuckz

06-11-2011, 03:48, (This post was last modified: 06-11-2011, 04:27 by trinitiz.)
Post: #7
RE: Hoi, Hello.
So... when is Android usualy online?


06-11-2011, 05:47,
Post: #8
RE: Hoi, Hello.
Android usually checks everyday, every now and again check.
06-11-2011, 05:52,
Post: #9
RE: Hoi, Hello.
Ahh okay.. Maybe there should be a chatbox to stop spam over topics such as this.
06-11-2011, 05:59,
Post: #10
RE: Hoi, Hello.
Hmm, we did have one pre 2.0, but it went from being used, to abandoned. Not many people where in it. That may change for all i know, Its up to Yotta. But this is what this topic is for, Introductions, and with Introductions, there are bound to be questions. Doesn't bother me really.

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