The Guide to Towns

Towns are an awesome feature, but can be quite hard to understand unless you have previous Minecraft multiplayer experience. For various reasons, we have chosen to stay away from popular town plugins such as Towny or Factions and instead made our own solution, known as Territories. Our goal is to make it very flexible but still easy to understand.

This guide will tell you pretty much everything there is to know about towns on Kiwike.

Starting a town

Anyone can create their own town on Kiwike as long as you have the gold. This does not mean that everyone should start their own town. Living in your own town has it's risks, the main one being that you're an easy target for raiders.

For anyone interested in starting a town, we recommend that you have at least five active members who are able to help the town if someone attacks. The more members, the better.

1. Collect gold

You need at least 140 gold ingots to get a proper town running. The initial starting cost is 128 gold, and then it costs 12 gold for each Town Block. If you're part of a group, we recommend that everyone helps gather gold for the town creation.

Commands that will be useful during this step:

Command Description Required permission
/deposit Deposit money into your bank account -
/money pay [player] [amount] Send money to another player. -

2. Claiming area

After creating your town, you will want to start claiming area. A town is made up of 16x16 squares, Town Blocks (TB). The town blocks need to be adjacent to each other.

Commands that will be useful during this step:

Command Description Required permission
/town create [name] Command used to create the town. The name may not contain spaces. -
/town deposit Deposit gold into the town's bank account. -
/town Show general information about your town. -
/town claim Claim the Town Block that you are currently standing in claim
/town outline Draw a glowstone outline of your claimed area. -

3. Adding more players

Other players can request to join your town. Anyone with the "residents" permission can accept these players into the town. New players can by default build and destroy in the town, but not in private plots. How new players join the town can be configured.

Commands that will be useful during this step:

Command Description Required permission
/town join [name] Other players use this to join -
/town pending Show all the pending requests -
/town accept [player] Accept a player's request to join the town residents
/town deny [player] Deny a player's request to join the town residents

4. Creating plots

Plots can be created within a town. These can be sold to town members, who can then customize the permissions within their plot.

Plots are created using a wooden axe. Left click one corner of the plot, then right click the opposite corner. This will make your plot selection.

There's a default price for all plots in the town. This is 0.1 gold per block, where the number of blocks is the total area of a plot. This value can be changed, and it will affect the price of all plots that do not have a custom price.

Commands that will be useful during this step:

Command Description Required permission
/plot create Create a new plot using the selected area plots
/plot forsale Set a plot up for sale plots
/plot set price [amount] Set the price of a plot. plots
/plot buy Buy a plot -


The permission system within towns and plots allows very specific permission sets. A town could have several mayors, some players that can only create plots, some players that can only expand the town, etc.

Permission Description
master Add and remove other player's permissions in the town, including your own. A player with this permission could claim themselves mayor and create chaos in the town. Do not hand it out to people you don't trust.
claim Expand the town by claiming more area.
plots Create new plots, remove plots, set plots up for sale. Note that this permission gives the player full authority in all plots.
residents Manage residents within the town. Accept new players, kick out old players.
build Place and destroy blocks within the town borders. All new members get this permission by default.

The build and master permissions apply in plots as well, which means that you can give other town members access to your plot.

Command Description Required permission
/town perm list List all player permissions within the town. -
/town perm add [permission] [player] Give a player a permission. master
/town perm remove [permission] [player] Remove a player's existing permission. master
/plot perm list/add/remove Same arguments as with the town commands. Not rocket science. master in plot or plots in town

Town settings

There's a couple of settings that you can change with your town.

Command Description Required permission
/town set plotprice [value] Set the default plot price per block. plots
/town set autobuild on/off Turn auto build on or off. This decides whether new players get the "build" permission in the town when they join. On by default. master
/town set autojoin on/off Turn auto join on or off. If autojoin is on, no one needs to accept players into the town. Anyone can join. Off by default. master
/town set spawn Set the town spawn. This is where town members will spawn if their bed is broken/obstructed. master

All Commands

Listed below are all the commands related to the town system.

Town commands

Command Description Required permission
/town ? Ingame command list -
/town Show information about your town -
/town here Show information about the town you're standing in -
/town [name] Show information about a specific town -
/town join [name] Join a town -
/town leave Leave a town -
/town deposit [amount] Deposit a specified amount of gold into the town's bank account -
/town claim Claim a town block claim
/town borders Show when you move across town block borders. Not as useful as outline. -
/town outline Draw a glowstone outline around the town area. -
/town kick [player] Kick a player from the town residents
/town pending Show all the pending requests to join town -
/town accept [player] Accept a player's request to join the town residents
/town deny [player] Deny a player's request to join the town residents
/town set Change town settings varies
/town perm List, add, remove player permissions master

Plot commands

Command Description Required permission
/plot ? Ingame command list -
/plot Show information about the plot you're standing in -
/plot buy Buy the plot you're standing in -
/plot create Create a new plot using the selected area plots
/plot remove Remove the plot you're standing in plots
/plot forsale Set your plot up for sale plots*
/plot set price [amount] Set the price of a plot. plots*
/plot set name [name] Name a plot plots*
/plot perm List, add, remove player permissions plots*
/plot outline Draw an outline of the plot you're in -
/plot outline all Outline all the plots in the town plots

* the plot owner or a player with the "master" permission in the plot can also use these commands.

That's all.

I hope this covered all the important parts of towns. If there's anything you're missing, please do make a post on the forum telling us so. If you'd like to contribute with screenshots or other additions, you are more than welcome to do so as well.