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NLewis - Ban Appeal
05-22-2012, 02:52,
Post: #41
RE: NLewis - Ban Appeal
(05-22-2012, 02:48)Leech Wrote: Auto sword select may not have a function on the attacking side, but if you are sneak-attacked, it does have an effect

an effect worth banning over?

[Image: britgif.gif]
05-22-2012, 03:10,
Post: #42
RE: NLewis - Ban Appeal
(05-22-2012, 02:29)Ian25 Wrote:
(05-22-2012, 02:19)tristo999 Wrote:
(05-22-2012, 01:59)NLewis Wrote:
(05-22-2012, 01:29)tristo999 Wrote: Bowser please stay off the appeal for now Tongue

Reasons for this mod Definitly not being aloud
Auto Sword selection
Eat Food
Better 3rd person view
Auto Jump
Auto Run
Toggle Mining
Look Behind
Toggle Full Brightness


Auto Sword Selection - Just switches to your sword in your hotbar when attacking a mob. Not helpful at all. If Someone attacks you you already have your sword ready

Eat Food - Sets a button to switch to food in your hotbar so you can eat, nothing really gamechanging. While Fighting or running you can eat without switching wepons causing slight advantage

Better 3rd Person View - Simply is exactly the same as hitting F5 twice, how does that give an advantage?It is a better 3rd person view, not the one when you hit F5 as it states in the description of the mod causing advantage

Auto Jump - hit a button and you keep jumping up and down. I don't see how that gives me an advantage You do not keep jumping up in down but automaticly go up hills easy or swim easy so you have have time to fight or just go faster

Auto Run - hit a button and you run. Saves me the time from hitting the forward key twice.
I believe this can be combined with Auto run to a ultimate running advantage?
Toggle Mining - Just keeps hitting in front of you, which is easy to do without a mod installed, and most people do it. Still no advantage over other players. Using this you can just do something else while your character mines. It is basically a autobot that does work for you giving you a advantage

Look Behind - I think that is in spout, it gives me the ability to look behind me with the push of two buttons while walking, it is RP because IRL you can look behind without turning your entire body. I do not think it is spout. If someone is running at you and you want to check just use the button quickly instead of turning around to look. It may be done in real life but other minecrafters cant do it

Toggle full brightness - Changes the minecraft brightness from Moddy to Bright or vise versa, nothing that you couldn't do in vanilla.
Full brightness is extremely illegal. It does not change it to bright but to so everything is like it is like Noon. We have discussed full bright before and it is a illegal mod
(05-22-2012, 01:39)Android Wrote: I think auto run is included in Spoutcraft though, no?
Also, the rule stated that if you had the slightest uncertainty you should contact a mod. As it seems, you didn't, and it lead to this.

But a permaban? I can accept a temp, but banning me from the server I have been on for almost 2 years because i'm using a client that is not on your list is ridiculous.

Tristo I'm sorry, not, to burst your bubble but I have tried the mod and nearly all your points are wrong.

Auto Sword Selection - Just switches to your sword in your hotbar when attacking a mob. Not helpful at all. If Someone attacks you you already have your sword ready If you're fighting, you sure as hell should have your sword out, just as easy to hit the number keys. Also, he doesn't use this feature.

Eat Food - Sets a button to switch to food in your hotbar so you can eat, nothing really gamechanging. While Fighting or running you can eat without switching wepons causing slight advantage No, you can't. It switches just like hitting the number keys.

Better 3rd Person View - Simply is exactly the same as hitting F5 twice, how does that give an advantage?It is a better 3rd person view, not the one when you hit F5 as it states in the description of the mod causing advantage What advantage?

Auto Jump - hit a button and you keep jumping up and down. I don't see how that gives me an advantage You do not keep jumping up in down but automaticly go up hills easy or swim easy so you have have time to fight or just go faster Hell no. It literally just makes you keep jumping.

Auto Run - hit a button and you run. Saves me the time from hitting the forward key twice.
I believe this can be combined with Auto run to a ultimate running advantage? Ultimate running advantage? O.o All it does is stop you from having to mash W when trying to run. My key frequently glitches out while trying to run and I might install a mod similar to this because of it.
Toggle Mining - Just keeps hitting in front of you, which is easy to do without a mod installed, and most people do it. Still no advantage over other players. Using this you can just do something else while your character mines. It is basically a autobot that does work for you giving you a advantage Alt+Tab out of your game or if on a mac hit the exposé key.

Look Behind - I think that is in spout, it gives me the ability to look behind me with the push of two buttons while walking, it is RP because IRL you can look behind without turning your entire body. I do not think it is spout. If someone is running at you and you want to check just use the button quickly instead of turning around to look. It may be done in real life but other minecrafters cant do it Very rp, should be added to the list of legal mods IMO.

Toggle full brightness - Changes the minecraft brightness from Moddy to Bright or vise versa, nothing that you couldn't do in vanilla.
Full brightness is extremely illegal. It does not change it to bright but to so everything is like it is like Noon. We have discussed full bright before and it is a illegal mod No, no, no, no, no. It is NOT fullbright. It just changes the brightness to "Bright" in normal minecraft settings.

05-22-2012, 03:29, (This post was last modified: 05-22-2012, 03:35 by Cell.)
Post: #43
RE: NLewis - Ban Appeal
Alright, here is what I see so far, although Main said not to, i'm sorry :<.

First of all, Auto Sword gives you a HUGE advantage. Your group is famous for using potions, us "Normal" people usually reach for the number keys, leaving us without a hand for a second or two, which could be the difference in a fight. You? Pop a potion and then you bring your sword back out, super fast, super easy. Do it while Auto running.

Auto running, as stated before, is a click of the button and you are running, correct? I can't tell you how many deaths I have experienced because of the Multiplayer glitch where you are running and your character starts to stop/start/stop again. It seems to happen at the peak of fights for me, i'm not sure of other players, but it happens. You don't experience this, do you?

Eat Food, again as I stated. Us "Normal" folk take time to switch using our hands, you can just auto switch and eat food while your hands are free to keep chasing your prey. Food is a big part in fights, as when you are running away you usually end up running out, an eating is not an option due to an enemy trailing you.
1. Turn on Auto Run, use Eat Food.
2. HuhHuh?
3. Profit.

Look Behind, i'm not sure about other people. But when I want to see who is behind me, I have to stop running, turn around, and look. Again I refer to the chart, if the instance was that you where being chased.
1. Turn on Auto Run, use Look Behind.
2. HuhHuh?
3. Profit.

Quick Edit. Too Ian, saying that he has it although he doesn't use it is like saying "Yeah, I have Xray, but I don't use it."
05-22-2012, 03:38, (This post was last modified: 05-22-2012, 03:40 by Ian25.)
Post: #44
RE: NLewis - Ban Appeal
(05-22-2012, 03:29)Cell Wrote: Alright, here is what I see so far, although Main said not to, i'm sorry :<.

First of all, Auto Sword gives you a HUGE advantage. Your group is famous for using potions, us "Normal" people usually reach for the number keys, leaving us without a hand for a second or two, which could be the difference in a fight. You? Pop a potion and then you bring your sword back out, super fast, super easy. Do it while Auto running.

It's fucking glitchy and if you can't switch to your sword by hitting the number keys, you should stop fighting. And this is not being used.

Auto running, as stated before, is a click of the button and you are running, correct? I can't tell you how many deaths I have experienced because of the Multiplayer glitch where you are running and your character starts to stop/start/stop again. It seems to happen at the peak of fights for me, i'm not sure of other players, but it happens. You don't experience this, do you?

Either wait for Mobang to fix it, or install this mod. EWBTE

Eat Food, again as I stated. Us "Normal" folk take time to switch using our hands, you can just auto switch and eat food while your hands are free to keep chasing your prey. Food is a big part in fights, as when you are running away you usually end up running out, an eating is not an option due to an enemy trailing you.
1. Turn on Auto Run, use Eat Food.
2. HuhHuh?
3. Profit.

No, you eat normally, you have to stop and eat... this is about the third time it's been stated

Look Behind, i'm not sure about other people. But when I want to see who is behind me, I have to stop running, turn around, and look. Again I refer to the chart, if the instance was that you where being chased.
1. Turn on Auto Run, use Look Behind.
2. HuhHuh?
3. Profit.

Should be added to increase RP IMO. Again, it's been stated many times that this is not being used.

Whoops, added my stuff inside your post but you can figure it out.

And in response to your quick edit: "Quick Edit. Too Ian, saying that he has it although he doesn't use it is like saying "Yeah, I have Xray, but I don't use it.""

No, it's not like that because none of the other features not being used would cause an unfair advantage if used.
05-22-2012, 03:45, (This post was last modified: 05-22-2012, 03:48 by conor1121.)
Post: #45
RE: NLewis - Ban Appeal
Ok, everybody let's make this clear here. Here are the faults in this situation
Nlewis's fault
-Control Pack
-Not reading the forums to find the list, which was posted a very long time ago.
Kiwike's faults
-Non updated allowed mods list, example being Rei's minimap is not on there
-Not posting the mods that are allowed in the rules
-Making users have to work to find the list of allowed mods(user friendly?)
-Not even mentioning such a list existed(allowed mods)

Listed faults, balance them out however you wish, I don't honestly care.

Control Pack: Illegal Items(Kiwike's opinion)
-Full Brightness as in Minecraft's settings are changed to full brightness settings. This is completely legal. My minecraft is always set to the fullest brightness settings, and Minecraft can still get dark. Unless of course, Minecraft's regular brightness setting is illegal, and we need to regulate a setting in minecraft.
-Ability to look backwards; Basically allows the player to look back when pressing a key. Obviously, the player is too lazy to turn around and hold down the, "D" key for but a moment. This is what I do.
Control Pack: Questionable
-Auto Walk
-Auto Mine
-Change to sword when in contact with NPC/Mob/Player
-Auto tool
-Auto torch
-Auto switch to same block(run out of cobble, then switch to other stack in the hot bar)
(All of the above can be done easily with a gaming mouse[excluding auto walk] Basically, a gaming mouse with a keypad where your palm rests can be used for all of this. One of my friends takes advantage of this in Minecraft, and it is very simple. Instead of scrolling to get to another block in the hotbar, you simply press the corresponding number(1-9). All this mod does, is do it automatically. Is it illegal? It's definitely questionable, unless of course gaming mouses are illegal too.)
I was too lazy to type the rest, just watch the video on the link Nlewis posted.

Also, as a former griefer, I would just like to point out(by the way I was a griefer in 1.5-1.8 and did it for fun on Reddit servers that little kids ran. This was a team of 5-6, we we're the unsung team Avolition. No, I did not use this account for that.)that full bright was originally created, and intended as an ore high lighter, and for griefers to quickly mine diamond without torches. In 1.8, it was also used for cave systems, to find ores on the wall without the use of torches. If any of you people need something about this mod cleared up, ask. I can tell you every reason an advantage such as speed hack, full bright, etc. could be used. Also, I would just like to point out, my Minecraft client is clean of mods, if any of you want to check, please feel free to ask, because after you see this, I am pretty sure you will all have doubts about me.
(05-22-2012, 03:29)Cell Wrote: Alright, here is what I see so far, although Main said not to, i'm sorry :<.

First of all, Auto Sword gives you a HUGE advantage. Your group is famous for using potions, us "Normal" people usually reach for the number keys, leaving us without a hand for a second or two, which could be the difference in a fight. You? Pop a potion and then you bring your sword back out, super fast, super easy. Do it while Auto running.

Cell, with a gaming mouse that has a keypad, such as mouses from W.O.W., you can do this easily. While you are clicking, you can easily access a button with your palm. My friend has one, and I used to have one myself. All that this mod does, is make it automatic.
05-22-2012, 03:57,
Post: #46
RE: NLewis - Ban Appeal
Which is unfair, have we not stated this enough times Connor? Want to buy an expensive mouse, go for it, same with the keypad. But the fair majority of us use keyboards and normal mouses. Kthxbai.
05-22-2012, 04:16,
Post: #47
RE: NLewis - Ban Appeal
(05-22-2012, 03:57)Cell Wrote: Which is unfair, have we not stated this enough times Connor? Want to buy an expensive mouse, go for it, same with the keypad. But the fair majority of us use keyboards and normal mouses. Kthxbai.

OR save the money and install this mod, dumbnut.
05-22-2012, 04:23, (This post was last modified: 05-22-2012, 04:24 by Cell.)
Post: #48
RE: NLewis - Ban Appeal
Or just don't install the mod in the first place, then we wouldn't be having this discussion, would we? Now I leave you, before this gets worse.
05-22-2012, 04:24, (This post was last modified: 05-22-2012, 04:25 by iDieForEXP.)
Post: #49
RE: NLewis - Ban Appeal
Aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnd then get crushed by the banhammer, dumbnut.

*No flame intended, just a clever word-play Tongue
05-22-2012, 04:28,
Post: #50
RE: NLewis - Ban Appeal
All that I will say is that Auto Sword was being used. However, I do not think that anything close to a permaban is necessary. He just got his ass kicked with a 5 day ban. I think a finger wag is enough.


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